文明可以怎樣作一篇文?不限文體 只需要點就可以,謝謝?

2018-10-24 10:43 pm

回答 (2)

2018-10-25 12:58 am
Main points of argument on civilization wow-----
1)The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years to establish.
2)civilizing or being civilized state, collectively
3)bring from a savage,rough, ignorant condition to a higher state
4)by giving education in stage of social development,moral teaching, refine the manners of, to methods of the Government
5)eg:-the civilizations of ancient China, India
6)Acts that horrified civilization are the throwing of bottles, fightings in the Congress and the Council Board of the Legislative Council of government of HK.
2018-10-25 10:25 am
有關中國盤古初開的時代,人類穴居以鑽木取火和用石塊木桿;作為打獵的武器. 然後經過漫長的歲月才由野蠻繼漸變更為利用石刻或竹簡記載事蹟. 再次演變為用紙張記載事蹟;及後再次演變為發明指南針及火藥;而清朝以後針對改革帝制變更為民主及黨派政治.至於其他文字方面,將文言文更改為白話文;衣著則由馬掛改為西服等舉動. Yip

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