想請問如果我想要求餐廳在上甜品時,在甜點旁邊寫上happy birthday 英文應該點寫或點講呢?唔該?

2018-10-24 5:50 pm

回答 (5)

2018-10-26 10:32 am
Would you please write “happy birthday “ with chocolate or anything on the plate of the dessert, please?
2018-10-25 4:26 am
Easy, just say:

Could you write "Happy Birthday to Princess" on the dessert (cake, or whatsoever) we just ordered?
2018-10-25 2:24 am
Could I (siu ching) ask for expressing praise, given free out of courtesy kindness="complimentary";the dessert served with the writing "Happy Birthday",on my behalf,from your Restaurant, please?
ie:-Add "Happy Birthday" to the Cake for the bill.
2018-10-26 11:32 am
Would you be kindly enough to put the congratulation words of "Happy birthday" aside of that dessert. Yip
2018-10-25 9:44 am
Would you please place a card with words "Happy birthday" by the dessert that you will serve to us?

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