Want to try a new PM system to replace the old one. Which one is recommended?

2018-10-23 2:05 pm

回答 (1)

2018-10-25 2:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When using the old PM system, there are some circumstances you may meet. The level of project complexity that you can handle with Spreadsheet is directly limited by your memory capacity. And home grown PM systems can’t keep up because no cost apportionment. All those reasons would make it difficult to meet the business needs better.

Try 8Manage PM Cloud to solve the problems above. The new generation in-depth PM SaaS that has real-time reliable project info with increased visibility helps you get rid of the above baggage. 8Manage PM Cloud can provide User-definable and customizable private cloud, Highly professional PM facilities for planning, scheduling, and controlling projects, and ect. Help you to manage resource skills and loads and allocate best resources. Get started with our PM Cloud for free: www.8msaas.com/saas/pm.html

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:05:15
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