Is my coworker interested?

2018-10-23 6:13 am
When I started working in a cafe I worked with this cute girl and she showed me the ropes. I think I caught her glancing at me a few times.
I kinda like her even though she's 3-4 years older than me. Today I got to work with the cutie for a few hours.
We talked A LOT. She kept laughing and smiling when we talked.
I texted her a few times and sometimes she's nice, uses blushing emojies, likes some stuff I post on the company group page but sometimes her texts are short and simple as if she wasn't interested.
I texted her today and asked if she's free this week but she hasn't responded yet and I'm not sure if she was just busy and/or forgot (she did say she might go on a short trip with her familiy)?
Maybe I'm overthinking everything but do I have a shot?

回答 (1)

2018-10-23 6:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Doesn’t matter. Don’t get involved with a coworker. It’s a cardinal rule.

When a relationship goes bad, you’re both stuck having to see the other every day. Have fun flirting with her if you like, but leave it at that. Don’t date.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:07:01
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