How should I handle this?

2018-10-23 12:50 am
I’m 33 I have my own apartment my family and support staff tells me I can’t have a lot of junk food. I would like to have it once or twice a week I understand it’s not healthy all the time it can be irritating to be told what you can’t eat when you have your own apartment. The support staff lady is nice sometimes can be a little pushy when she says eat it and I mean it I know they want me to eat healthy it’s halloween time the lady didn’t want me to get a lot of Halloween candy. Sometimes my aunt says if I get junk food I will be tortured I don’t live with my aunt and uncle I’m on my own. I could have junk food when I’m out with friends and when friends come over I know some people may not be on my side how would you handle people telling you what to buy or not to buy when you have your own place?

回答 (9)

2018-10-23 2:33 am
Some medical conditions require that you do not eat junk food. For example, if you are prone to epilepsy, then junk food could easily trigger a seizure. You need to monitor your weight and A1C. I am sure that your doctor is already testing for this, you just need to ask him to see the test results, then plot them on a graph.

You are lucky to have a support staff to supervise you and keep you alive and somewhat healthy. You can still live a happy life, there are just some sacrifices that have to be made. Junk food is one, driving a car is another. But it wouldn't surprise me if you were able to interact with other people, maybe even hold down a job.

Bottom line, be thankful for what you DO have.
2018-10-23 10:26 pm
I just tell them you eat what you want to eat and I will eat what I want to eat.
2018-10-23 12:53 am
If you require support staff, you need supervision.
Accept it.
2018-10-23 10:37 pm
Eat it anyway.
2018-10-23 10:30 pm
just eat what you like and if they don't like it , who cares
2018-10-23 10:23 pm
You obviously have a medical issue such as diabetes, where you are not supposed to overdo candy. You need to listen to them. I know a guy in the cemetery who had been living in a senior facility; he was not a senior, but had severe diabetes. To defy everyone, he kept drinking sweet colas. First he lost both legs. Then went to the cemetery. So, it's your call. Choose wisely.
2018-10-23 8:45 am
theyre not there all the tinne, just hide it and dont tell thenn you have it
2018-10-23 4:48 am
I would go out, find a nice fast food place and have what i bloody well liked! get assertive and do what you like.
2018-10-23 12:55 am
i think its time you politely thank them for their concern, but you really are quite well aware of how many times per week you can have junk food and still remain within healthy parameters.
No one should be telling how what to eat unless you have a very unhealthy diet, and it doesnt sound like you do

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