will parents find out about traffic warning?

2018-10-22 7:15 am
So I’m 16 and just got my license a few days ago. while driving home, i got pulled over because i didnt completely stop at a stop sign. he gave me a warning. he asked for license and car registration but i didnt know what the car registration was so he just let it go and took my license. he came back with a paper that said what i did on it (JUST A WARNING) he was super nice and didnt say anything about it, just told me to drive safe and read the paper. Will my parents find out about it?

回答 (9)

2018-10-22 6:30 pm
"Will my parents find out about it?"

So. How in the world do you expect anyone who is not a psychic to be able to answer such a question? So

Another "so'er" :<(
2018-10-22 3:32 pm
No. Most warnings are even documented but if they are, they'd have to actively be looking for it by searching the public records.
2018-10-22 7:24 am
Nope you are good - use this as a learning moment - and be grateful you weren't ticketed...... and don't expect it to happen twice - your info was entered into the police database so when/if you get pulled again for the same or any infraction the officer will know that you already were given a pass.
2018-10-23 3:58 am
A "warning" counts for nothing other than you're now on the radar. Nothing more will happen. Do it again and they will say "you already had a warning, you did it again. Now things get nasty".n
2018-10-24 12:19 pm
No - your parents won't find out about the warning ticket; not unless you tell them. A "warning" ticket is exactly what the name implies: A WARNING. No formal traffic ticket was issued and you haven't been charged with a traffic violation. He gave you a "pass" this time.

But, don't do it again. Even though no formal ticket was issued, the "warning" was entered in the police database. If you are stopped a second time for failure to come to a complete stop at a stop sign (after having been warned once before), you'll probably be issued a ticket for a moving violation and you'll have to pay a fine. That one, your parents probably WILL find out about.
2018-10-24 4:50 am
IF you never get pulled-over again, it will just disappear.
2018-10-22 6:11 pm
Probably not. But next time, you will probably get an expensive ticket. Even then, your parents may not find out about it unless their insurance agent tells them.
2018-10-22 7:21 am
You're safe, be more careful in the future
2018-10-22 7:18 am
if he handed you any paperwork then its not a warning... warnings are verbal. its very likely that the insurance will jump up and you parents will find out that way.

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