Do you think middle/high school students should be able to have a cell phone at school?

2018-10-20 6:22 pm
I'm a teacher at a middle/high alternative school. We've had a lot of issues with kids and cell phones. They are completely distracted by them, playing games, listening to music, and not paying attention in class.

We told them yesterday that starting on Monday they will be required to turn their cellphone in at the door in the morning, and will get it back at the end of the day. Needless to say, there was mass meltdown.

It's not like parents couldn't get in touch if they needed to, they could call the school and the kid will be brought to the phone.

What do you think?

回答 (15)

2018-10-23 5:26 am
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No, Jolene, I don't. In fact, I'd say absolutely NOT, under any circumstances. You and your colleagues are right to take the actions that you have. The next step is to get rid of all the electronics, including the computers, and go back to teaching kids basic subjects like reading and math the old fashioned way. It's not going to kill these kids to have their phones taken away for a few hours each day. Nor will it kill them to learn how to read, write,and do math the old fashioned way. That is WHY THEY ARE AT SCHOOL. They aren't there to have fun or be entertained. They're not there to learn one upmanship or how to treat people badly, either. THEY ARE THERE TO LEARN, PERIOD. And anything which interferes with that central purpose needs to be taken AWAY.

It's no wonder that today's kids have such a sense of entitlement- they've been catered to and spoiled their whole lives, and have never had to work for living or face any kind of adversity. And the parents are no better than the kids. I don't give a rat's behind that this is an alternative school. Perhaps if these kids had been given a better upbringing and had been disciplined correctly in the first place, they wouldn't NEED TO BE at your school. Maybe you should point that out to the parents of your students.
2018-10-21 12:19 am
No one should have a Mobile phone in school you are there to Learn not talk on Facebook

if I had My way the Third time you were caught I would Force you to destroy it

I am Better educated than most why because we never had Mobile Phones to distract us from our lessons
2018-10-20 10:15 pm
I say they should only be allowed in break and lunch time. If the student break the rules then there phone should be consficated and sent them to the principal office , and bring there parents in to collect it.That way the parent won't allow there child to be on there phone again if they break this rule. And if the child break the rule twice then there phone be consficated by the principal and they will never be allowed to get there phone back again. If they have other phone the third time consficated and give it to the principal so they never see it again.
2018-10-20 7:28 pm
What the f*ck do kids think they're in charge for?
2018-10-20 7:34 pm
10 years ago, this wasn't as huge as a problem as it is today. I do think students should be able to have their phones with them BUT and this is a huge but have certain restrictions placed while classes are in session. The phones should be placed in their locker. If they do not want to put them in their locker, teachers should have a designated area at the front of the classroom. Now this will be based on the honor system, but you can create an extra credit point system that if they put their phones in the front of the room, by the marking period, they can receive maybe 20 points. They can get points based on any number of things. But if it goes off at all while in your class, they don't get any extra credit. So yes, unfortunately they should at least have them while in school but it is an uphill battle on how to limit the use while in school.
2018-10-20 6:26 pm
I think it's an idea whose time has definitely come.
2018-10-23 6:36 pm
Absolutely not! We couldn't even chew gum in school and it didn't kill us. I don't think they should be confiscated and not returned because they are expensive and besides, you're hurting the parent not the child when you do that since I'm sure the parent pays for them. However, I agree the phones should not be allowed to be on during classroom time. If they are turned on, then take them away from that student until the end of class. If each teacher does that, students would finally realize they can't just do anything they want. They have to follow rules.
2018-10-20 9:05 pm
How in the heck do you collect them and give back eveyone’s cell phone. That would take up too much time. We have over 2000 students at our HS that isn’t going to work. Even if you have much fewer students
Have the student responsible for their own phones. Turn them off and in their locker during school hours. They can have their phones on and with them before school and after school. Perhaps during lunch. Have the consequences for disobeying severe and be sure all staff follows though with reporting and enforcing the punishment.

You did not give us the information that this is for one small group of students. You said middle schools and high school.
Sorry but what is the big deal. This is a group of under 20 students that have issues and are givi g your big problems with cell phones. Collect them and be done with it.
2018-10-20 8:30 pm
Gee... how did we ever get through middle school before cell phones were invented.
You need to run this by the parents BEFORE you make the change, if they are accustomed to their children having cellphones during the school day. You need to let the parents know that, if they need to reach their children, they must go through the office.
2018-10-21 9:13 am
With all the shootings etc, yes phones need to be allowed.

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