You can feel the wind blow but you cannot see it?

2018-10-18 8:15 pm
Same thing with God you can feel Him but you can't see Him with your physical eyes. People are to busy looking in the physical when it's a spiritual thing

回答 (29)

2018-10-18 8:32 pm
Wind is measurable. Air is visible.

"You can feel the wind blow but you cannot see it?"
Yes. I can see sails moved by the wind.

"Same thing with God"
No. I can not feel god. Not your particular god nor any other god.

"you can feel Him"

"but you can't see Him with your physical eyes."
There are no other eyes.

"People are to busy looking in the physical when it's a spiritual thing"
Spiritual is a part of fantasy.

The difference between fantasy and reality is much more important than you think.

Gods are a class of fictional characters. Like superheroes.
There are many stories about different gods and nothing indicates that any of these stories might be true or that any of the gods might actually exist.
2018-10-18 8:20 pm
Dude, we can detect, measure and analyze the wind. Your deity is still imaginary. :)
2018-10-18 8:20 pm
Are you saying you can feel Jesus blow you, even though you can't see him?
2018-10-18 8:29 pm
The wind is measurable. Air has mass and can be weighed.

Your god is imaginary - and your cult beliefs are unsubstantiated bullsiht.

Comparing your silly god-thingy to a windy day doesn't make it meaningful or believable.

Grow up and stop your goddam booger-eating.


"People are to busy looking..."

You should learn the difference between TO, TOO, and TWO.

Spend more time paying attention in school,
and less time drooling over your mindless
goddam bronze-age cult book full of meaningless crap.


"You can feel the wind blow but you cannot see it"

By the way -- your invisible WIND just destroyed a large area in Florida.

Your imaginary god has done NOTHING to help repair it or help the people there.

So, your god can go and F*** ITSELF.
2018-10-18 8:24 pm
I can see you blowing wind but I can't feel your god.
2018-10-18 8:17 pm
We have a physical model for wind, and evidence for it is repeatable and independently verifiable.
None of which is true for gods.

Thankyou for providing yet another amusing excuse for why you have no evidence for gods.

Oh, and in case you were home sick the day they did kindergarten science, ever blown a bubble in water with a straw?

That's air you can see....
2018-10-18 8:21 pm
The wind is measurable, and invisible.

Prove a god with invisible measurements, like we do with the wind.

Reject my statement and stand a proven fool and troll.
2018-10-18 8:32 pm
You can measure the wind speed,
and everyone using similar methods
gets about the same result for those measurements,
regardless of what they believe.

That is completely different from
the various subjective feelings
that believers might have
about some hypothetical god
that they happen to be imagining.


John Popelish
2018-10-18 8:38 pm
- I can measure the air pressure and wind speed
- I can view smoke and other particles moving in the wind
- Everyone has the same experience of 'wind'

You cannot measure god, I cannot consistently see evidence of God, and everyone has a different experience of God. If you cannot see how they are different... then there is no hope for you at all.
2018-10-18 8:55 pm
Because air is transparent, Einstein.
2018-10-18 8:33 pm
What's the question?
2018-10-18 8:35 pm
Your comparison is deeply flawed as usual. You can feel wind but you can't feel God in the accepted sense. No such thing as 'spiritual'.
2018-10-18 9:15 pm
Your analogy fails on several levels:

1) your conclusion is spurious - there is no connection between the existence of wind and the existence of god. Just because wind exists but can't be seen it doesn't not automatically follow that the existence of god is the same - any more than it does for the existence of a blue Rolls Royce on the moon.

2) wind can be explained (the differential in pressure in a warm area and a cold area, causing air to move from one to another)

3) it's effects can be observed and the cause directly attributed to the existence of wind.

Did you ever go to school?
2018-10-18 8:59 pm
I can see it - I see the clouds moving, I see the smog and dust swirling.
2018-10-18 8:36 pm
Everyone feels the same wind, no matter whether youre christian,muslim or atheist. It doesnt happen that christian claims there are three winds, muslim says it is one and atheist says there is no wind for the same place. But god is highly subjective even among people with the same religion. This tells me that god doesnt exist
2018-10-18 9:09 pm
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Christ opened the way in Matthew 7:7-12
2018-10-18 11:06 pm

I can prove the wind is blowing. I can measure it. I can even predict how hard the wind will blow and from what direction, and whether it will be warm or cold, relative, based on observed weather patterns. In short, little child, your argument doesn't hold water, because wind, unlike "god," actually exists.

Only the delusional claim to "feel god," and since this claimed "feeling" cannot be measured, cannot be predicted, cannot be quantified, it's nothing more than your imagination.
2018-10-18 9:08 pm
You can't feel him. Not really. If you could you could measure it.

And you can see wind. When you see stars twinkle that's because you are seeing the light being bent by the moving air.
2018-10-19 2:44 am
Although not a question, what you say is indeed true. God has never been the old man in the sky as some nonbelievers claim. There is a perception of God that goes like this:

"Unable to perceive the shape of You, I find You all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with Your love. It humbles my heart, for You are everywhere."
2018-10-18 8:37 pm
Dark Matter is a good example too. They dogmatically accept it exists without evidence. All they know is the absence of something and in its place they magically manufacture a something inexplicable and intangible (read: spiritual) to fill the void.
2018-10-18 8:34 pm
You're wasting your time. Atheists don't want to know God; that's why they keep looking for 'proof' when they should believe and trust God.
2018-10-21 3:59 am
Some people not even both.
2018-10-19 12:04 am
The true God is spirit, not flesh (John 4:24; 2 Corinthians 3:17), though he sometimes likens his attributes of sight, power, and so forth, to human faculties. Thus he speaks figuratively of his “arm” (Exodus 6:6), his “eyes,” and his “ears” (Psalm 34:15), and he points out that, since he is the Creator of human eyes and ears, he certainly can see and hear.—Psalm 94:9

Some of God’s primary attributes are love (1 John 4:8), wisdom (Proverbs 2:6; Romans 11:33), justice (Deuteronomy 32:4; Luke 18:7, 8), and power (Job 37:23; Luke 1:35). He is a God of order and of peace. (1 Corinthians 14:33) He is completely holy, clean and pure (Isaiah 6:3; Habakkuk 1:13; Revelation 4:8); happy (1 Timothy 1:11); and merciful (Exodus 34:6; Luke 6:36). Many other qualities of his personality are described in the Scriptures.

Evidence weighing against Jesus’ presence as being a visible one (in the sense of Jesus’ appearing in a bodily form that could be seen by human eyes) is found in Jesus’ own statement that by his death he would sacrifice his flesh in behalf of the life of the world (John 6:51) and in the apostle Paul’s declaration that the resurrected Jesus “dwells in unapproachable light, whom not one of men has seen or can see.” (1 Timothy 6:14-16) Jesus therefore could tell his disciples that “a little longer and the world will behold me no more.” True, his disciples would behold him, not only because he would appear to them after his resurrection but also because in due time they would be resurrected to join him in the heavens and ‘behold the glory that his Father had given him.’ (John 14:19; 17:24) But the world in general would not behold him because after his resurrection to life as a spirit creature (1 Peter 3:18), Jesus restricted his appearances to his disciples. His ascension to heaven was also seen only by them, not by the world, and the angels present assured the disciples that Jesus’ return would be in “the same manner”, hence without public display, discerned only by his faithful followers.—Acts 1:1-11
2018-10-20 10:36 am
After watching a particularly well-done horror movie about werewolves, you may FEEL that there is a werewolf somewhere TOO CLOSE, as you are heading home.

You cannot SEE it, but the FEELING is there.

After hearing a well-crafted sermon, you may FEEL that whichever Goddess or God the preacher was peddling DOES love you, but you cannot SEE Her or Him.

Feelings are not facts.
2018-10-20 4:17 am
There is evidence that wind obviously exists, but gods, fairies, ghosts, ET visitors, tengu, kitsune, kirin, etc. have no supporting evidence.
2018-10-19 6:03 am
No because you can feel air move.
2018-10-18 11:53 pm
you cannot feel God . the wind you actually feel
try again
2018-10-18 10:37 pm
What a silly and totaly ridiculous post that totally ridicules God and all Christians? So you do not see clouds moving, fog and mist wafting? Rain driven etc!

Do please try and get a basic education before posting to ridicule Christians again!
2018-10-18 8:47 pm
Even spiritually, people are blind. Christianity is a large part of why this is. You talk bout spirituality yet have no real understanding as of what it is. You only preach it to further your religion which has kept true knowledge regarding spirituality from the masses. It has dumbed them down and this is why they cannot ‘see’. Wake up to the truth, you’re being lied to:

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