Is romantic love worth it after divorce? Why or why not?

2018-10-18 5:18 am

回答 (6)

2018-10-19 4:47 am
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Yes. Some marriages don't last a lifetime, but many people want to fall in love again. No relationship is perfect. If you love someone who loves you and treats you with respect, having a relationship with the person is worth it.
2018-10-18 6:14 am
Yes but that involves trust and trust is something divorced people struggle with because they've been hurt. Yes it's worth it and just because one relationship didn't work out, it doesn't mean the next one will be the same.
2018-10-18 8:35 am
No it's too soon
2018-10-18 5:31 am
Lots of people don't think it worth it after the divorce … but during the romantic marriage it feels like it is SO worth it all .. (then the feeling fades).
2018-10-18 9:56 am
Why wouldn't it be? You don't lose your interest in sex and romance because you have a bad experience.
2018-10-18 5:23 am
5 love languages: google it

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