Anxiety issues Someone help ..?

2018-10-17 6:24 pm
I am a 20 year old. I don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t do drugs. I’m on 50 mg of Zoloft. I STILL had a panic attack yesterday (it was my second day of a new job. I have never worked in retail, only in an office. This is a new experience) I tried to use this “calming” lotion and it did nothing except give me a headache? Why do I keep getting panic attacks. I’ve tried seeing my doc several times so please don’t tell me to do that. My dad says I just need to control it, how? If anyone has struggled with panic attacks, please help.

回答 (7)

2018-10-17 9:43 pm
Firstly I think working in retail is incredible hard for someone experiencing anxiety. I'm not suprised you had a panic attack when it is so new to you. I've only had panic attacks a couple of times, and still I'm not sure if it was a panic attack, for me i get this thing for 20 minutes or so where I feel doom and I just want to cry, but I have also experienced the full blown panic attack.
A couple things that have helped me is understand a panic attack won't harm you. How ever much it feels like you are about to die, you are not. What's making you feel this way is just chemicals having a quick bit of fun round your body.
I always tell myself that it will be over soon and it usually is. And really the most important thing for me is just to take slow breaths. Everything seems a bit more manage when In not hyperventilating. I can simply do this by just really concentrating on it. I find a paper bag is sometimes a little too overwhelming in the moment.
I hope things get better for you. The job in retail will get easier and I think it will be great for your confidence and managing feelings.
2018-10-17 6:28 pm
Your doctor meant to control your breathing and wait until the panic attack goes away until they eventually stop.
2018-10-17 8:43 pm
Panic attacks always go away, That's the first thing you have to remind yourself when having one. "It feels like the end of the world, but it's just a feeling. When the adrenalin is exhausted, the panic will subside." While telling yourself this, almost anything you do to distract yourself will help. You can run, do pushups, or breathe into a paper bag. Breathing into a paper bag changes your blood chemistry, making it richer in carbon dioxide, which slows down your breathing. This simple solution is free and it works.
2019-07-17 8:40 am
RWPossum gave a great answer as well as David, follow those two. My regards to you, God bless.
2018-10-17 11:50 pm
I'll give you some advice for this particular symptom, panic attacks, and then talk about anxiety.

This is one of my answers that was rated Best, 5 stars. It has advice for slow breathing, the name of a good self-help book, and stress management advice.

If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, I can't tell you exactly what kind of treatment you need. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence, an official health agency in the UK, has stats on what's best for most patients but not you as an individual. They rank 3 treatments - 1) therapy (CBT), 2) medicine (generally antidepressant), 3) self-help based on CBT. I'll tell you about CBT and CBT self-help, but first, here are some things with very encouraging evidence.

Recently, I discovered something very interesting that people with anxiety should know about. It has to do with two things that have been mentioned here, mindfulness and controlled breathing. What I've found is how these two things come together.

I got into breathing therapy when I read The Healing Power of the Breath by psychiatrists Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg. What most impresses me about this book is that it recommends a 3-part approach to mental health with traditional mind-body methods. It emphasizes slow breathing and also suggests slow body movement such as tai chi exercise and meditation.

About slow body movement, for people who suffer from anxiety, rushing around when you don't have to and doing things carelessly is bad for the nerves and makes for mistakes and accidents. Carefulness is a form of mindfulness. Slow movement is your friend. It prevents serious accidents, and your actual safety is good for your peace of mind.

You can learn tai chi from one or two beginners' videos on YouTube.

It seemed to me that Brown and Gerbarg didn't "get" mindfulness. They say practice slow breathing daily and if you have time, also do tai chi or yoga, and meditate. The mindfulness-based therapy programs teach mindfulness meditation so that people can use mindfulness throughout the day, not just for a few minutes a day.

Here's the thing. Brown-Gerbarg and mindfulness-based therapy have this in common - *awareness of breath* during the day. Respond to moments of stress by taking a few slow breaths, which will bring your breathing rate down. You might say that Brown-Gerbarg is a kind of mindfulness-based therapy.

I'll show you a video in which psychiatrist Patricia Gerbarg demonstrates a slow breathing exercise. She tells the "patient" (her husband, psychiatrist Richard Brown) to breathe *gently.* The patient doesn't have to fill his lungs completely. It's a smooth transition from inhale to exhale without pauses in-between. The breathing rate is about 5 breaths a minute, which research has shown is healthy in a number of ways - hormones, blood pressure, and brain activity. It's also the rate that requires the least effort. It's natural - you were born with it.

Brown and Gerbarg, one of the research teams that have shown that slow breathing helps people with PTSD, say that 10 to 20 min of slow breathing is a good exercise, and they recommend 20 min twice a day for people suffering from anxiety. They also recommend responding to moments of stress by slowing your breathing rate. Breathing with the belly muscle is healthy - always sit so you can breathe freely and wear comfortable clothing.

Mindfulness apps like Headspace and Calm are very popular. You can watch the reviews on YouTube and decide which one you like or try the free trials of both. A guy I know uses the free Headspace trials over and over.

Or, you could use a book. The Oxford Mindfulness Center of Oxford University recommends a book with audio exercises, Mindfulness by Williams and Penman.

By the way, one of the researchers who have shown that slow breathing helps people with PTSD is psychologist Emma Seppala. She has a really good book on how to succeed with a low-stress existence - The Happiness Track.

This answer talks about 3 CBT self-help treatments, under DEPRESSION TREATMENTS.
2018-10-17 7:46 pm
be careful...your parents only knew it was a doctor, tho ALL DRUGS have side effects..
2018-12-01 6:29 am
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28, KJV).

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