Path to become a doctor?

2018-10-17 5:16 am
There are no colleges in my area so info on setting the right path to become a doctor is scarce. Starting from nothing up until medical school; what classes do I need to take?

回答 (2)

2018-10-17 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Assuming you mean "physician" - medical doctor, as opposed to a clinical psychologist.. or an optometrist.
You need to graduate from high school, completing the required courses for admission to the college you plan to attend (I recommend beginning with community college, and then transferring after two years.).
Major in "pre-med" in college, choosing one of the hard sciences as an area of concentration -- biology, chemistry, microbiology, etc.
When you are a junior in college, take the MCAT.
When you are a senior in college, apply to medical schools or school of osteopathy.
Graduate from medical school.
Complete a residency and an internship.
Obtain a medical license
2018-10-17 6:10 am
It doesn't matter if they're in your area. You can go on any university' website and search for pre-med majors, look at the requirements. Then you can look on the websites of medical schools and see what they require you to have to be admitted.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:28:35
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