Is it right to be mad about this?

2018-10-15 11:15 pm
So I drive a car that my stepdad bought a year ago for himself. He doesn’t really use it because he works and he has his own truck for his job . So my point is the only reason I’m allowed to use it is because I drive to where I work and my mom convinced him to let me use it . I only use it for a couple minutes a day and when he uses it he takes it for more than a hour . So he’s basically using up all the gas . I’m just saying, yeah sure he pays for the car insurance. The car is pretty old cause it’s from 1998 . So he paid it off. I get mad cause when I use it and use up all or half the gas I refill it and he doesn’t seem to care about wasting the gas he leaves it to almost empty. But I mean he is using his car so why have to be mad about refueling your own car . I use it to get to where I need to be and I still will refuel it to use it again. I’m just mad cause he thinks that because I work or earn money, I may have all the money in the world. I don’t know wheather I should confront him or just let it be .

回答 (60)

2018-10-16 1:20 pm
Don’t be mad. Be happy you’re allowed to use the car.
2018-10-16 2:13 am
YEah men if you are getting a lot of other perks not having to worry about insurance and maintenance, gas money is nothing
2018-10-16 8:58 am
hes letting you use the car, the least you could do is gas it, i wouldnt say anything
2018-10-17 6:39 am
Start a savings account for your own car. Your the bigger man here, but who knows what his problems are? Be sure to be telling him your grateful and wash and wax it.
2018-10-16 12:59 am
No, you are not seeing this properly. I looked at your other questions to see your age, and you're 20? If so, not only are you using someone else's car, but you also have a roof over your head, utilities paid, probably insurance and lots of other things. You're lucky to have all this, because not all parents would let a 20 year old continue to live at home.

On the car itself, I can promise there are expenses related to it that go way beyond gas. Registration, repairs, insurance, etc. If you aren't paying for your food, or contributing to rent, your parents are being unusually lenient with you. I would not recommend complaining about gas money. In fact, I'd do everything I could to keep that tank full.
2018-10-15 11:21 pm
You didn't buy the car. You don't pay insurance. You still live at home. What's wrong with doing your share somewhere?
2018-10-17 9:04 pm
It's his car!!!!! You're lucky to be able to use it.
2018-10-17 12:12 pm
buy your own car
2018-10-17 1:31 am
Yet the car is... HIS... Right?
2018-10-15 11:18 pm
You can be mad about it if you are mad, but that isn’t going to accomplish anything more than raising your blood pressure. Why not talk to him about it sometime when he returns it empty after you had just filled it up? Or, just put in enough gas to get yourself to work and back, instead of filling it up? If that is too much hassle for you then just suck it up, buttercup.
2018-10-15 11:38 pm
Put in $30 bucks when it needs it and don't say a word. You use his car to earn your living.. pony up for gas. You don't need to keep the tank full, just don't leave it empty.

You likely are not being asked to pay in a full adult share of all household expenses so keep a little gas in the car. There is nothing to "confront" him about. The amount of gas used has little to do with the amount of time a vehicle is used. We've no clue if his "hour" is around the block or a 70 mile joyride.
2018-10-17 9:06 am
It is probably a thrill for him cruising around on your dime. Seems like it would be simple enough to calculate your travel for the day and put in that plus an extra gallon.
2018-10-17 8:52 am
2018-10-17 10:15 pm
Estela, the first answer is DO NOT CONFRONT HIM; if you do, you will probably be taking the bus. Now, why be mad when you have no car and you are getting to use this one. I doubt your stepfather thinks you have all the money in the world; if he did, he would tell you to buy your own car. You could certainly buy only enough gas for your needs, but that might be biting the hand that loans you a car. Pay for the gas and relax.
2018-10-15 11:54 pm
Stop being a brat. Its NOT your car. You didn't buy it, you don't pay for its upkeep, you dont pay to the insurance or anything. You have no right to be mad

It doesn't matter how long you use it or for what, you don't own it.
2018-10-15 11:33 pm
Right or wrong, it would be unwise to make drama about this. Don't bring this up unless you want to hear "If you don't like using my car, then get your own car."

Instead, take preventive measures. When you fuel up the car, don't fill the tank. Just put in enough gas to get to work and back a few times. Yes, you'll have to add fuel more often but the money saved is more than worth the little bit of time that takes.
2018-10-15 11:27 pm
well I guess only use what you pay for then...if its at a half a tank just make sure its at half a tank when you return it.
2018-10-15 11:22 pm
Just keep it at 1/4 tank
2018-10-19 11:54 am
still cheaper than buying a car fixing it when it breaks down
paying for insurance AND putting gas in it

play dumb its all good

Hope that helps!
2018-10-19 7:30 am
Start replacing the gas you actually use, and if he leaves it empty, just put a quarter tank in, and next day, refuel to that quarter tank level, on your way home.
2018-10-19 3:52 am
Mad? absolutely not! You're likely getting off cheap.. Confront him? No, but you should discuss it with him
2018-10-18 11:43 am
Rent your own car if you can't buy your own car.
2018-10-18 11:36 am
2018-10-18 7:11 am
Best advise, buy your own car
2018-10-18 3:46 am
i hope you decided to buy your won car .
2018-10-17 5:05 pm
Getting mad only complicates the mind. He's paying the insurance i.e. more than your gas he uses. Keep good vibes with him and keep your house in harmony.
參考: Gees I sound like a hippie
2018-10-17 9:21 am
Would you rather call an uber?
2018-10-17 9:12 am
It looks like you only have three options: If you only drive it a few minutes a day to and from work leave it on E and let him deal with it, put a banana in the gas tank and start riding a bike to work, or just deal with the situation as is to keep the peace.
2018-10-17 6:38 am
Well he is letting you use his car so the least you can do is fill up the tank. Sure it’ll be nice for him to fill up the tank sometimes but just be thankful that he’s letting you use his car.
2018-10-17 6:32 am
No, you dont.
2018-10-17 5:41 am
Work on getting your own car. In the meantime, just put gas in this car. Its his and while its not right for him to not fill up the car, you are using it.
2018-10-17 3:27 am
What would be cheaper for you getting your own car or paying for the gas and even if it would be more expensive to get your own care would it give you peace of mind because you would not be mad at him? Or would you get mad at him for something else? Is it the the gas money or how you feel about him anyway? Maybe you are not happy living around him. So think about it can you move out so yo don't ' have to live with him. That might be the real solution and not the gas.
2018-10-16 7:39 pm
well he is your step dad so not a big deal...its okay if he use all the gas..after all this car belong to him..
2018-10-16 10:18 am
How about when you add gas, just add a little more than you need?
2019-12-04 1:43 am
Perhaps you should 'discuss' it with him.  Or next time leave the gas a little bit lower than normal or don't fill it like you do.  What you really need to do though is come to an agreement that works for you both.  
Otherwise since it is his car, he can do whatever he wants with it.  I get that gas is costing you money.  But wear and tear on the car, insurance and cost of the car cost's him too.  

So again coming to an agreement on this will be helpful.  
2018-12-15 6:36 am
Whats the alternative? He could refuse to let you use the car
2018-10-20 6:41 am
You are using the gas you pay for it
2018-10-20 1:33 am
just put in the amount of gas you need. if its $3 a day then only out in $3 each time you use it.
2018-10-19 3:12 pm
I know how you feel and I know this sounds really annoying when this get irritating but if I were you, I wouldn't say anything neither just let it be. At least he's paying for the insurance thou.
2018-10-19 2:46 pm
Just refueling it all the way up. Put in just what you need.
2018-10-19 9:22 am
That's a tough one. On one hand, it seems as he is being inconsiderate because he is using up gas you paid for and putting you at an inconveniece because you get in to drive to work, but the car is on "E," which you didn't plan for or expect because you filled it or expected the gas to be where you left off. However, he is paying for insurance(possibly higher if you are under 25 and/or male) and paying for two drivers(not just himself as he's required to identify all regular users and pay prices based on their driving history). So, he can't be expected to pay for insurance and not use the car. His job's car is to be used for work travel(they check). So, you're paying for gas he uses and he's paying insurance for car you use. Washes out. Deal with inconvenience or go put a down payment on a car and make monthly payments that will have you with even less money? I'd choose the inconvenience...annoying, yes.
2018-10-19 9:15 am
He should be more understanding in my opinion. That's very inconsiderate of him to do that knowing your situation. I'd say confront him.
2018-10-19 7:07 am
Ah hell no
2018-10-19 5:26 am
Sounds like what you are really mad about is that he does not love you unconditionally. He's your stepdad but you always wanted him to be and act as your real dad. If you don't think so just ask yourself: would you feel this bad had a friend let you use his car and expected you to fuel it?

Accept your relationship as is and even though you wish it were closer to the ideal view you have of a father-son relationship try to still find focus on the positives in the relationship as it is.

As far as the gas. If you have a more cost effective way of getting to work use it and stop fueling your stepdad's car otherwise keep doing it until you can afford your own transportation.

Good luck to you!
2018-10-19 5:08 am
If gas is your ONLY expense to drive what is for you a free car, you should thank your lucky stars. The real expenses for a car are insurance, registration, and license tags. I can't wait until you go to buy your first auto and get to see how fast money can Vanish.
2018-10-19 4:02 am
Confront? No. Nicely ask for some $$ towards gas? Sure thing. Much more likely to get a yes.
2018-10-19 2:58 am
You didn't say how far you need to go. Buy a bicycle. Don't bother with it. At gas prices you can bank up to hundreds a month by NOT buying gas and since your really just fueling the oil barons trust funds for themselves why bother? Or buy electric. Pennies there. To get really cool get your self a big goat and a cart. Ride in that. Goats love that kind of thing. And it would defend you. It could be your guardian goat.
2018-10-19 2:29 am
2018-10-19 1:48 am
be glad all you have to do is pay for gas
2018-10-19 1:30 am
Lucky duck
2018-10-19 1:29 am
Leave it for him with only a little gas and let him buy it. If you're using it frequently, you should be able to estimate how much you need and only buy that much.
2018-10-19 12:53 am
I say rather than choosing to be mad, just calculate in advance how much gas you need for your own use and only fill it for that amount. You can check the car specs for this and check the cost per litre at the gas station. You can write it down on a piece of paper and then you can use your calculator on your phone to recalculate the exact amount. If you are not fast with math, doing the calculation in advance and writing it down will help you to be able to readjust the calculation easily since you will have a base to work with. Let your stepdad's deal be his deal, and let your deal be your deal.

Maybe you feel like you would like him to be more supportive in general and this is what lies behind the frustration. It is never harmful to have a discussion about feeling supported but maybe you should spend some one-on-one time with him doing something you both like such as watching a game together or going on a hike in nature. When expressing yourself be sure to always use "I" messages since this feels less accusatory. I recommend not to discuss the car matter directly. If you are feeling like you do not have as much of a connection or would like to see him play a more supportive role, you will need to find a good way of expressing this. Maybe write some ideas out.
2018-10-18 11:10 am
Sorry to hear that, really TOUGH news. I don't have a car (still getting my permit. whoooo) but if that was me I'd be pretty peeved! Basically I think you should trying saying "hey bud, if you like gas so much maybe you should try and fill up the car, because basically from where I'm standing that's the truth!" Something like that, to really stick it to him.
2018-10-17 4:45 pm
and this not a big deal and you guys make a big deal about this. Whoever use the car, you or your dad, fill the tank when it is empty. When you use it, and it is empty, fill it like only 5 gallons (good? don't fill it up all the way). When your dad use the car and he leaves the gas empty, well, tell your dad to fill the tank. if your parents are cheap, well, let them drive you to your work. good idea right? save money for a used car. Save about 5K..... you could do it in a year. Be an adult and responsible for your action.
2018-10-17 8:49 am
Definitely work on getting your own car or start ubering.
But if he agreed to letting you use it then, for the time being, it's yours too. It's wrong of him to just leave it empty after you pay out of pocket to refill it constantly. He needs to take some responsibility. As long as your taking care of it, he needs to chill.
2018-10-17 6:23 am
Share a car no matter what
2018-10-16 5:09 am
How many times a week do you have to fill the car up? If it is more than 2 or 3 times a week, I think I would just put enough in for me to go a short distance. Maybe 5 or 10 dollars worth. If I had to fill it up and pay 30 or 40 bucks three or four times a week. I kinda think that is much.
2018-10-18 7:14 pm
yes.i know
2018-10-18 5:22 pm
He's probably trying to make you mad and not want to drive the car by intentionally not refilling it. Sounds like he he may have not wanted to use it in the first place since you said your mom had to convince him to let you use it. If your drive to work is only a couple minutes, it can't possibly be that far. Why don't you run to work instead.
2018-10-18 6:54 am
Yes, use yoir words and come to an understanding.
2018-10-16 1:34 am
Don't talk to us or your mother about it. Talk to the owner of the car about. It is his opinion which counts.
2018-10-16 6:18 am
well if you know whats bad and worst
2018-10-15 11:28 pm
If you tend to get more used out of the car, maybe your stepdad will allow you to buy the car from him? Once the car is in your possession and you own it, then your stepdad HAS to put gas in the car if he uses it. If he does not put gas in the car, then you have to stand firm and not allow him to use the car no matter how he tries to manipulate you. If you stepdad is much too unreasonable about the whole thing, can you afford your own car? If not, then maybe you can join a car pool so that you get a ride to work and fairly pay for gas.

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