Job plays with hours and not pay days worked so they don’t have to give insurance is this illegal?

2018-10-15 10:42 am
My job plays with my
Hours and I’m not getting paid and got fired for walkig out on a shift they wasn’t paying me is this illegal

回答 (9)

2018-10-16 2:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
If they're not paying for hours you actually worked that is wage theft. But if they're merely adjusting your hours to make you a part timer so they don't have to cover your benefits, that is sadly totally legal.
2018-10-16 1:25 am
It's legal to hire part time workers, which is essentially your complaint. It's legal to fire someone for walking off the job, too.
2018-11-26 3:31 pm
2018-10-15 10:26 pm
No its not illegal.
2018-10-15 2:45 pm
Would you pay someone who walked out mid-shift? They are required to pay you up to that day. Not for the time you walked out. And they might not have to pay you for two weeks prior since you failed to give notice.
2018-10-15 10:49 am
They need no reason to fire you, you need no reason to quit.
2018-10-15 10:48 am
No, it isn't illegal for them to fire you for walking out.
It would be illegal if they fail to pay you the wages they owe you. Do you have proof of the hours you've worked (eg. timesheets) and the wages they've paid you (eg. pay slips)?
2018-10-15 10:44 am
2018-10-15 10:42 am
Not getting paid for days worked

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