Being threatened over money.?

2018-10-15 1:34 am
To keep things short.

I am 16, was with a girl for two years. We have broken up, about a month ago. Since then, she has a new boyfriend. She has basically made up that I owe her thousands, and has spread this around the sixth form. She is using him as a means to get this money from me. He is one of those violent chavvy ones, who knows where I live. He has threatened me with coming to my house with loads of people, attacking me every day, etc. I do not know what to do as I don't really have any friends. They both go to my school so I have to see them every day, and don't want to make things worse. Please help. It has taken a serious toll on my life, especially mentally.

回答 (4)

2018-10-15 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
It sounds like you owe her something.
Her boyfriend is convinced that you do.
Threatening you with violence is assault, though. Not exactly legal.

You can go to your school and report that you are being threatened, and when asked tell them what the threats are. Just because you don’t have any friends doesn’t mean you don’t have any options.

If you were all adults you could call the
police. If anyone actually shows up at your home you can report it to the police anyway.

Until someone actually shows up though, talk your school.

Whatever you still owe your girlfriend, pay her back.
2018-10-15 1:37 am
do you actually owe her money?

I know how you feel. My dad owed a ton of people money all the time growing up. People get violent when it comes to money. It's terrible living in fear. You are a minor, so tell your parents/guardian. Tell the police, a counselor, a friend, anyone. Tell them you fear for your life
2018-10-15 2:11 am
if you can talk to her alone about the "money" if you really do owe her money offer to pay her back in instalments (and get her to hand write a receipt for any money you give her so you both are clear on what you have paid her)
if you don't owe her money talk to the councillor in school about the issue and the threats and also make a complaint in the police station about the threats and any violence used on you not to mention her allegations (those would be thought of as defamation of character) the police will want a word with them
once they see that you are not going to just lie down and accept things they will move on to someone else
2018-10-15 5:48 am
Get your parents involved. You people are children and some attention from adults could end this.

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