What is Jesus doing now?

2018-10-15 1:30 am

回答 (16)

2018-10-15 1:30 am
If he isn't cleaning my pool, then he's fired.
2018-10-15 1:31 am
nothing. If he was ever alive he is dead now. Its been over two thousand years. What do you think dead people do?
2018-10-15 4:03 am
He's working at Hell's Kitchen.
2018-10-15 1:31 am
2018-10-15 2:00 am
Jesus Ortiz now sit at bar of Shinjuku Lounge and drink beer. Soon someone must carry him home. Jesus Gonzales working at Mifune Don Restaurant carry out garbage. Jesus Christ never exist, cannot do anything now or ever.
2018-10-15 1:37 am
masturbating to starving kids in africa while we in america dab on the africa
2018-10-15 1:40 am
He reigns in heaven.
2018-10-15 1:44 am
Jesus is in heaven, and I know for one thing He is seated at the right hand of Father God, ever interceding on our behalf.
參考: Romans 8:34
2018-10-23 2:51 am
He is in heaven now at his father ‘s right side
2018-10-15 5:48 am
Jesus never existed.
2018-10-15 5:28 am
Waiting at the gate
2018-10-15 4:49 am
Interceding for the faithful. Advocating for the faithful. Romans 8:34, 1 John 2:1
2018-10-15 4:10 am
It says He is sitting at the right hand of the Father. And it also says there are those who follow Him wherever He goes. Which proves the "sitting at the right hand of the Father is an idiom for being His right hand man.

There's a verse which says Jesus went by Spirit and preached to those who were awaiting coming judgment while Noah was building the ark. Noah built it for a hundred years and the people thought that was pretty funny, as he was no where near water. But he didn't keep it a secret that the day of the Lord was coming when the rains would come. Which was the Spirit of Jesus toward those folks. But never fear. All will be resurrected (Rev 20).
- So I figure, these days, it would be twofold, His preaching via the Spirit to the world. Even though I firmly do not believe in any sort of fiery or physically tormenting afterlife judgement, I do believe there is always consequences and sometimes, maybe even often(?) those consequences turn out to be fiery and the Spirit of the Lord warns of it. And then the Spirit of drawing folks as Jesus did say He will draw all to Him, Jn 12:32. So all in all, Id' say He is still a pretty busy guy. Read where things were at by time the end of the very first chapter of the gospel account of Mark. Oh, so yes, I believe He is still doing those things too. Healing and teaching. Busy guy. Busy Messiah. "Savior of the world" not just "some of the world".
2018-10-15 2:31 am
One thing Jesus is doing is interceding for us before the Father.

He also said He was going to the Father in order to prepare a place for us, so that where He was, we could be also.
2018-10-15 1:55 am
'Video games' are mankind's far inferior interactive version of GOD's dynamic original called 'intercession,' (Greek: 'entugchano').

This is part of GOD's larger allegory of 'archery' where 'sin,' (Greek: 'hamartia'), means to 'miss the marked target' and 'tugchano' means, to 'hit the bulls-eye.'

Christ is engaged in dynamic 'interplay' in psychological worlds where each and every thought ever conceived and expressed by mankind is being brought into subjection within His holy system of interpretation. The Bible describes this like soldiers storming fortresses containing treasure, destroying the fortresses but taking captive the 'thoughts' preserved within them, (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).

Each time a 'speculative fortress' falls its treasures are released and they go into the construction of His 'dwelling places' which He is preparing for His 'Bride' the Church. Our own prayers assist this process because our unique perspectives and voices are often the sacred thoughts that are actually 'trapped' inside of these psychological worlds by deep deception and sophistry. We fail to recognize how valuable they are until we are 'liberated' by Christ and begin to see our unique personal divine callings and how that uniqueness can be expressed in the world.

Evil uses 'categories,' (which we call 'demographics'), to rob people of this uniqueness and keep them trapped inside social constructs based on them. Satan himself is called 'kategor adelphos,' (Greek: 'accuser ['categorizer'] of the brethren'). Jesus is breaking down these generalizations with inspired social examples and returning us each to a perception of our uniqueness while finding ways for us to express this uniqueness on every level of human experience.

He will return for us only when this process is complete, since none of this precious 'treasure' can be lost or left behind.

You didn't know that Jesus Is the ultimate and original 'Gamer' too, did you?
2018-10-15 1:55 am
If the historical jesus was real, he still died 2000 years ago, and dead people cannot do anything.

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