求 英文好的人 我玩遊戲遇到一位外國人他跟我說In all seriousness though gl with the rest of your run 這麼一句 可以幫我翻譯嬤??是好還是壞?

2018-10-14 4:30 pm

回答 (3)

2018-10-15 3:01 am
In all seriousness (idiom) = in my sincere opinion, not jokingly 說實在的
though (adverb of contrast) 然而, 但
"gl" should be the abbreviation of "good luck"
run = spell / run of play 遊戲時間 / unbeaten run 一直赢

In all seriousness, though, good luck with the rest of your run!
但說實在的,接下來的部份,祝你好運! (希望你勝到底!)
2018-10-14 10:19 pm
2018-10-15 8:56 am
In all seriousness, though good luck with rest of your run==說實在的話, 不過你會幸運地玩樂下去. Yip

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