should i pursue or let her down?

2018-10-12 3:42 pm
I recently got with this new girl who is amazing, loving, caring, beautiful and basically has the qualities of my "perfect" girlfriend. On our first official date, i took her V card and now she is head over heels for me. 2 days later saying she loves me and planning a future together, kids and all. she is 18 years old BUT has accomplished more on her life than most her age and even mine (I'm 24). she is really smart, she's graduating college next year at the age of 19. already purchased a house (she moves in next year after she graduates) and has her career already in motion on what she wants to do and be in life. She wants to share those experiences with me. The house, kids within next 2 years and even said she'd purchase my dream car within the next year which is almost 90k brand new. Her family has some money, not flashy type of money but enough to be secure. Should i continue with this girl or let her down easily. we've already talked and i suggested we should slow down a little bc after 2 days you're in love and talking about kids?

回答 (4)

2018-10-12 5:15 pm
Tell her slow down
2018-10-12 4:27 pm
Dude slow her down and take the time to get to know each other . I met a girl like her 30 years ago . We lasted 3 years . after I got to know her I left
2018-10-12 3:50 pm
Definitely go for it.
2018-10-12 3:46 pm
Go, go, go!

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