
2018-10-08 9:43 pm

回答 (2)

2018-10-09 8:27 am
Questionaire,interview,into only on line data to write the Exam Report means to copy (1)--(2)--(3).
(1)Having found the method by changing final y after a consonant into ies, I have found:-army,baby;city;cry;country;fly;hobby;lady;pony;story.
(2)Having noted from usa foreigner's speech that in their vowels a,e,i,o,u + y situation to only adding --s-- have been:-boy;day;donkey;key;monkey;way.
(3)Having noted from British-Brussel foreigners' speech educationally, their changing vowels in the supposed vowels:-foot;goose;louse;man;mouse;woman;tooth
It's workable as long as it is research on "ies" topic theme only wrt British-Brussel-American The workable may be given several interpretation,explanation by your good self.
2018-10-13 5:56 pm

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