Do you think he just wants to hook up or he actually misses me and wants to spend time with me because he loves me?

2018-10-08 1:36 pm
So I dated and lived with a guy for a few months we spent every day together, we break up, I moved out, weeks go by without talking I text him saying that 'ive felt heart broken since we last spoke' he didn't answer, a week later he sends "I've missed comming in your slutty mouth. Wanna come over?"... I'm wondering if this is just his way of being romantic thinking that it's like an inside joke or something??? I mean it sounds like a pretty lewd thing to say to someone after a month of no contact. This man was so adamin about not being with me that he denied sex for several weeks living together and slept in different beds. But now all of a sudden he impulsively wants missed my slutty mouth. It makes no sense. I'm assuming that he thinks I'm so much of a slut that I won't mind going over for sex and it can just be a one day thing. But I literally told him he broke my heart so he knows my feelings are vulnerable. I want to believe he said that **** to be cute and funny and romantic, and to win me back, but it's just so dirty that I have a gut feeling hes just trying to make a fool of me and has bad I tensions. Does him saying he misses my mouth mean that he doesnt necessarily miss me just only my mouth??

回答 (5)

2018-10-08 5:16 pm
Tell him soobit your slutty mouth is with someone else.
2018-10-08 4:15 pm
Hey you should get a private investigator
2018-10-08 3:23 pm
Hello.......drop the looser. Have some respect for yourself. He wants sex, not you.
2018-10-08 1:43 pm
A sincere guy who likes you wouldn't talk like that to you.
2018-10-08 1:37 pm
He wants sex with you.

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