Does it not seem that those not wanting Kavanaugh to be a Supreme Court justice have replacedthe word hate with temperament?

2018-10-06 7:02 am

回答 (10)

2018-10-06 7:07 am
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I don't know about all that.

but to me, it is like beating a dog repeatedly, and then when the dog finally bites you, say IT has a bad temperamentThe man's reputation and family have been destroyed. over POLITICS and nothing else.
2018-10-06 7:08 am
You mean when they say that Kavanaugh has an inappropriate temperament for a SCOTUS? You think they should say that he has an inappropriate hatred for a SCOTUS? You might be right about that.
2018-10-06 7:46 am
If all they can find to fault is one's desperate plea for justice and due process not just for him but his family and his accuser then 'they' have the problem.
2018-10-06 7:05 am
When I was growing up if we lost the championship we hung our heads in shame and walked our little black asses back to the dug out to watch the champions get the trophies. We learned how to handle being defeated in childhood. These days kids don't have this and they become adults when thing don't go there way
2018-10-06 7:08 am
No. It doesn't.
2018-10-06 7:06 am
Psychology, the problem stems from what is called, “motivated reasoning”.
2018-10-06 7:23 am
We, the People deserved better than to have a perjuring, rabidly partisan, sexually aggressive alcoholic on the SCOTUS.
2018-10-06 7:12 am
2018-10-06 7:09 am
Saying Kavanaugh does not have the “hate” to be a Supreme Court Justice, seems odd.
2018-10-06 7:04 am
Fvck conservatives. They are disgusting rape apologists who deserve the violence that is headed their way.

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