How would you pronounce the name Serenneti?

2018-10-05 4:33 am

回答 (11)

2018-10-05 4:41 am
2018-10-05 5:35 pm
2018-10-05 4:37 am
2018-10-06 1:57 am
I saw it as Serenity. It is a good anagram.
2018-10-05 11:47 am
seren' / neti
2018-10-05 8:23 am
Serenity,a serenity look.
2018-10-05 5:02 am
2018-10-06 8:05 am
I would say it to rhyme with the ecological area in Africa, Serengeti (/ˌsɛrənˈɡɛti/)

There is some controversy, but one theory is that "Serengeti is derived from the Maasai language, Maa; specifically, "Serengit" meaning "Endless Plains.""
2018-10-05 9:39 am
It looks Italian, so people would probably say "seh-reh-NET-tee."
2018-10-05 9:37 am
I really appreciate the responses. I am trying to find a nice anagram for Ernestine, and this is the best I can come up with. I want it to be pronounced like Serenity, but when I see it I tend to think Seren Netty. I don't necessarily dislike that, but I prefer Serenity and was just wondering how others would see it.

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