Could you please answer this small question on understanding this sentence?

2018-10-03 9:55 am
Please read the below passage:

There are times when the precept of hope is binding, because of its own intrinsic importance, or per se.
How often this is so in the lifetime of a Christian, is not susceptible of exact determination, but that it is so is quite clear from the tenor of a proposition condemned by Alexander VII: "Man is at no time during his life bound to elicit an act of faith, hope and charity as a consequence of Divine precepts appertaining to these virtues".----

In the above passage, is the sentence "Man is at no time..." the statement 'made by' the pope or the statement made by someone else but condemned by the pope.

Many Thanks!!!!

回答 (2)

2018-10-03 10:46 am
Made by someone else condemned.
2018-10-03 10:04 am
Condemned by the Pope.

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