What Is The Advantage Of Pleading No Contest?

2018-09-28 7:14 am
If you plead no contest to charges, then you are not admitting guilt but the judge will likely find you guilty anyways. What is the advantage of a judge finding you guilty versus admitting your own guilt? Does it somehow affect employment prospects or some other aspect of one's life after release from prison?

回答 (6)

2018-09-28 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
The PRIMARY reason to plead no contest, as opposed to guilty, is it can't be used against you as an admission in a civil lawsuit.
2018-09-28 7:22 am
Pleading no contest means you skip the trial and go straight to the sentencing by a judge.

It's often done in concert with a deal with the attorneys for a reduced sentence.

Another reason to plead no contest is because you don't want the jury to handle your sentencing - especially if you expect them to ask the judge for a harsher sentence. Remember, juries tend to react a lot more emotionally than judges. So if your lawyer thinks those emotions would work against you, he might suggest you plead no contest, and hope the judge will reduce your sentence a bit.
2018-09-28 9:31 am
It might. I would probably get a lawyer and plead innocent and attempt to plead the case down. Jumping to no contest may be a very bad idea.
2018-09-28 7:16 am
Its a God awful small affair
2018-09-28 8:02 am
Well the Judge will find you guilty because that is basicalyl what you are saying. When you plead no contest you are saying that you didn't believe you did it BUT there is enough evidence that you will be convicted. If you don't want to be found guilty you have to plead not guilty and go to trial.
2018-09-28 7:35 am
You're free to go

....I am a retired police officer. I retired as a sergeant, after 29 years, from a very large department, about 12,000 officers. I was a patrol officer for 4 years in a very diverse area. I was a tactical officer in the high rise project areas of my city. We called it vertical patrol in that we walked the the stairways of the high rises most of the time. I did that for 5 years and was promoted by test to detective. I worked violent crime (homicide, sex, officer involved shootings, robbery, kidnapping, serious non property incidents) for 11 years until I was promoted to sergeant. I worked as a street supervisor, a bicycle patrol supervisor and a desk sergeant/watch commander.
During my time as a tactical officer and a detective I was a unit representative for the police union.
I have a B.A in English and an M.S. in Law Enforcement Administration....

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