Men 10 Points what's the right way to gain muscle, there are so many tricks and studies but what's the right way.?

2018-09-27 2:42 pm
1 eat carbs after workout to gain muscle
2 eat a calorie deficit of 500 lbs
3 eat 3-5k lbs daily to gain muscle
4 do 3-5 Reps Max to gain muscle
5 only exercise 2 times a week Max
6 loose weight first and then start working out heavily

I would like to loose 15lbs, 10 from my stomach, other than my torso is the fattest part of my body my arms(biceps are the skinniest). Any advice?

回答 (2)

2018-09-27 2:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You need to eat protein before and after you
Lift weights. But only a small amount about
The size of a deck of playing cards. And you
Need to swap out the source of protein
Regularly. Fish, eggs, nuts, mushrooms,
Turkey, chicken, etc. Avoid red meat.
2018-09-27 2:56 pm
anabolic steroids, testosterone, hgh, creatine, protein-- eat healthy -- stretching is very important and often overlooked "a long muscle is a strong, healthy muscle" -- cardio is also important-- live in the weight room.

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