college tuition?

2018-09-25 6:45 am
After I graduate from high school my whole family and I are moving to Las Vegas, Nevada. The current plan is for me to just attend community college for two years then attend UNLV for the other two years. I’m trying to become a nurse and would like to be able to attend UNLV all four years, does anyone know any scholarships I can apply for or any short cuts to make sure I can attend all four years? The reason I can’t attend all four years is because of money but I intend to live in Vegas for the rest of my life.

回答 (3)

2018-09-25 10:18 am
It's never a smart move to spend more money than necessary to accomplish your goal.
In fact, you can become an RN at many community colleges. This is what my niece did.
1. While working as a server at an upscale restaurant, attended one year of CC to complete pre-requisites.
2. Still at the restaurant, applied to two-year RN program, and was admitted. Received 2 relatively small scholarships for nursing students and took about about $6,000 in student loans at CC.
3. Still at the restaurant, completed two-year RN program, passed the board, got an entry level job for about $26/hr, at a nursing home/rehab facility. Worked for 6 months and paid off student loans.
4. Enrolled in 18-month mostly-online "RN to BSN program" at Northern Illinois University, paying tuition as she went.
5. Completed BSN and got a raise to approx $29/hr. Graduated debt-free.
6. Got a more interesting job, earning about $34/hr. Saved enough money to pay for graduate school, and enrolled in Olivet's nurse practitioner program. Will graduate debt free and make about $100k/ yr

Good luck.
2018-09-25 6:52 am
If there are scholarships available at UNLV, their department of admissions would know what they are FAR better than random strangers on the internet would. Have you inquired with them? If not, why not?
2018-09-25 7:00 am
You can apply for scholarships from many sources during your senior year in high school, and apply any money your receive to your tuition costs at the college of your choice.

But your best bet is to apply for Federal financial student aid by filling out a FAFSA form when you apply to college. Based on your family income it may help a great deal toward paying much of your tuition at a state college.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:08:19
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