What’s going on with him?

2018-09-24 11:40 pm
I met this guy 2 weeks ago and we felt a connection with each other. We were talking about doing it and he said he saw me as more than a one night stand. That week we messaged almost every day and we saw each other the weekend after and he randomly told me he isn’t the relationship type which is fine because I’m moving soon and I asked him to come back to mine, he said yes but didn’t end up coming. I sent him a message when I got home saying sorry for freaking him out and he replied by asking me out to dinner a few nights later. He was sending me a few mixed signals by telling me things like I’m the sort of girl he would date etc so when we hung out I decided to tell him how I felt and he said “maybe in future we will be together or maybe we will drink and have fun one night” he also talked about how he didn’t want to hurt me etc. I’ve messaged him a few times since that night but he keeps ignoring me. Is there any way I can make things better?

回答 (3)

2018-09-25 12:51 am
Move on. He is not ready for a relationship with you or anyone really. He told you already and you are still hung over him. just leave him alone. If he wants to come around when he's ready, he will do so. Stop messaging him.
2018-09-25 12:38 am
Seems he is not the sort to rush into sex affairs and you are. It's not the way he runs his life. He made it clear to you that he'd be interested in DATING you but there are a lot of guys who aren't eager to leap into the sack with a gal they just met who is, right off the bat, "talking about doing it". Some guys would LEAP at it, other's don't. This one doesn't.

Stop messaging him and trying to get him into your bed. He might be a good guy you're chasing away.
2018-09-25 12:01 am
He sounds utterly exhausting.

At best he has no idea what he wants. At worst he's playing manipulative mind games with you.

It makes me sad for you that he's been jerking you around this whole time, and now he's ignoring you, yet somehow you believe the burden is on YOU to "make things better." It doesn't sound like you even did anything wrong here.

I would avoid this hot mess of a guy, and find someone who can be clear and honest with you about what he wants. A relationship is fine, a fling is fine, but you both need to be on the same page about it. This guy seems to get his jollies from watching you squirm ... or on the more optimistic side he's a dope who has no clue where his life is going and what he wants.

Either way, forget about him. You're not even dating him and he's already hurting a confusing you! How much bigger of a red flag are you looking for, honey, the huge kind they fly over highway car dealerships?????

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:09:42
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