
2018-09-23 5:27 pm

回答 (4)

2018-09-23 6:49 pm
2018-09-25 10:27 am
2018-09-24 4:00 am
The answer is yes.

Due to historical issues, HKSAR Government is driven as executive dominance. Even having 3 branches of governments, the executive branch has the most authorities over the rest of the 2. Because of that, law in Hong Kong is not drafted by the Legislative Council, but HKSAR Government.

Whenever a court of law interpret a statute, its original intent is read to help the court in determining that. As the chief legal officer of the HKSAR Government, the Secretary of Justice is responsible all legal decisions related to HKSAR Government, with the consultation of the Chief Executive.

On that basis, whenever a court in Hong Kong has some issues with the interpretation of the law, the Secretary of Justice will be invited to express its opinion. The court then will take consideration of such opinion.

Note - it is not necessary for the court to abide/follow such opinion.
2018-09-23 8:11 pm


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