✔ 最佳答案
MOMENTUM IS CONSERVED. Now where have I heard that before.
No matter how complex nor how it is masked the first statement remains true.
It is always left to someone else to look at all the complex actions to explain why.
I am having trouble picturing EXACTLY what you are describing however if the propellor pushes the air then the air pushes the propellor in the opposite direction.
As the propellor does not move backwards then the belt must be applying a force to the propellor to compensate.
The belt is powered so it receives a force from the ship equal to the force of the propellor on the belt.
so the belt pushes on the ship with an equal force.
At the front of the ship the air pushes on the ship with an equal force to the force of the air on the propellor, the propellor on the belt and the belt on the ship.
Which means that the net force on the propellor is zero.
The net force on the belt is zero.
The net force on the air is zero
and the net force on the ship is zero.
So nothing accelerates as a result of all your wasted energy..