How necessary is it to have wisdom teeth removed?

2018-09-21 5:10 am
So a few years ago my old dentist brought up wisdom teeth but not really in a negative way. He just said "Well it looks like your wisdom teeth are coming it fine." Since that time we have switched dentist and the first thing they did was schedule a wisdom teeth removal for me and my brother. I am very confused by it because they have never cause me any problems and haven't been brought up since that first time. I heard the nurse tell my mom "They might as well do it while mommy and daddy can pay for it." then laughed which added to my discomfort. So I have to have an oral surgery just so it's financially easier on me? I am completely for the surgery...if its necessary. I understand how painful it can be to have compacted or crowded wisdom teeth but I have none! I'm 17 years old and they didn't even bother to explain to me why they had to be removed. I just have a hard time accepting going through that pain if it's unnecessary. From what I have been able to tell, I'd only be the third one in my family to have them removed and that includes my cousins, aunts and uncles. None of my older cousins have had them removed and neither has my aunt. My mom didn't have hers out until she was in her mid 30s. So that adds to my hesitation. But the appointment has been made and I need to have solid proof if I'm going to ask my mom to cancel the appointment. So how necessary is it really to have wisdom teeth removed?

回答 (5)

2018-09-21 5:25 am
Not at All.
Dentists from the Old school and the Greedy, Like to pull them for no good reason (money), "Because they *might* latter cause problems."
Unless there is a PROBLEM, impacted, decay, etc. Leave them alone.

You do not have to be the person who pays the DDS' country club dues and or slippage fees for the month.

Lazy dentists do not like them because of their position in the mouth, being difficult to get to.

[72 yo, still have three and a half of mine.]
2018-09-21 5:17 am
I'm 33 and still got mine, had absolutely no problem with them.

Sounds like this new dentist is doing unnecessary work. The only time you really need to have them removed is if they are impacted or causing extreme pain.

If they are not causing you any problems, ask the dentist, it's your right to know why they are reccomending removal.

It's total BS them saying it's for financial reasons so your covered under parents cover. Why not have your appendix removed, tonsils out, get some glasses etc if that was the case.

This honestly sounds like the dentist just wants to make money.
2020-03-18 8:26 am
Do some research.

You have a cellphone.

Call your old dentist and ask him about it.

I think it's unnecessary surgery if your teeth all fit and aren't growing sideways, like my one wistom tooth was.

I think your parents don't have a brain.

Tell them you want a tonsillectomy too, and a hysterectomy.  All those unnecessary parts!
2018-09-21 5:21 am
Absolutely NOT. Here in the UK they are never removed unless they cause problems. Mine came out in my 40s. from what I see on here the US Dentists do this for money not for health.
Refuse. you do not need surgery just because your Dentist needs a new car,

I worked for a UK Dentist.
2018-09-21 5:21 am
well it's not

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