Why is the entertainment industry, for the most part..communist?

2018-09-20 2:05 pm

回答 (5)

2018-09-20 3:35 pm
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So they can use it to indoctrinate our people
Into Immoral behavior and provoke violence
And push socialism and demonize capitalism
And teach kids how to become criminals. It
Has a very negative impact on people's lives.
I think democrats should be banned from
All entertainment, government office, practicing
Law, or Serving In the military. They are waging
War on our people and destroying family values
And pushing people into a welfare entitlement
Mind set.
2018-09-20 2:10 pm
Wait....do you think 'communist' and 'evil' are synonyms?
2018-09-20 2:06 pm
You've provided no evidence and no substantiation.

So the real question is why do you think asking a question somehow proves it? Go away before I start changing your category.
2018-09-20 2:08 pm
Every time you screech "communist" you water down your poisonous rhetoric to the point of it overflowing and spilling all over your worn polyester leisure suit.
2018-09-20 2:08 pm
The entertainment industry is liberal and feminist, not communist.

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