How bad is it that the communist dems are using this woman to stall the Kavanaugh appointment. How childish!?

2018-09-20 2:00 pm

回答 (6)

2018-09-20 2:02 pm
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There are no limits to the immoral tactics and hysteria Democrats will use to get their own way.

Democracy can not survive with people like this
2018-09-20 2:06 pm
her gofundme has raised over 200K.

im sure she is getting a piece of the pie too:
2018-09-20 2:04 pm
Really what do you expect from the liberals these days?

Upon losing the election, they resorted to physical violence. That's the definition of domestic terrorism.

You have this moron feinstein who looks like she just sat up out of a coffin giving a letter to the FBI saying "an anonymous confidential source is stating that Kavanaugh is a threat to democracy. The source wishes to remain confidential and will not be coming forward".

Yah.....democrats are THAT f*cking stupid.
2018-09-20 2:06 pm
Of course, I agree with Hannity on this
2018-09-20 3:43 pm
They did the same thing with a black conservative judge a few years ago and prevented him
From being appointed. It is all about power in
The corrupt democrat party.
2018-09-20 2:36 pm
Yelling & screaming & pointing finger has worked for them before ...........................

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