opinions on long distance relationships?

2018-09-17 1:45 am

回答 (6)

2018-09-17 1:55 am
Long distance relationships lead to web cam masterbation.
2018-09-17 1:50 am
To be honest, they don't tend to last. They're difficult to maintain but it depends on how long the 2 people are apart from each other and how often they can see each other.
2018-09-17 2:14 am
a waste
2018-09-17 2:11 am
If one decide to get into a LDR you've supposedly already undergone lots of hardships and done the most important work of maintaining an interest without all the games that mainstream relationship have. However, if you happen to be in it just as a way of getting away every-now-and-then just for sex, you've only got yourself to blame should that person turn into a monster that you and you alone created! Back to LDRs! It equally depends on how the two of you actually met, and I'm guessing like many it was through the internet. Many of these sites started out hoping to connect likeminded people and bring joy to all ages. However, sadly they've become a place where boys/men more so that girls/women can get themselves lied just about anywhere around the globe. Many start out sane and full of anticipation believing they can find love, however, I don't think I've heard one happy ending so far to date, so, what does that tell you?
2018-09-17 2:09 am
Make sure it's not one sided
2018-09-17 1:57 am
not worth it. don't waste your time, honestly. because that's all you're doing, until you break up because you NEVER see each other and don't go on dates, don't kiss, don't have any type of closeness at all. it's all digital.....

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