What is the closest thing in life to Music, that's almost emotional and almost spiritual. I would say movies, but what do you think?

2018-09-16 12:01 am

回答 (7)

2018-09-16 12:33 am
Being out in nature
2018-09-16 12:18 am
Nature - a sunset, waving grass in a meadow, leaves in the fall, a waterfall, the ocean.
2018-09-16 12:05 am
I agree but then again when was the last time you saw a movie that had no music in it? The music helps emphasise the emotion the director wants you to feel. It would be interesting to see how you would feel if the villain in the movie is finally defeated but they play sad music that is normally heard when one of the heroes is killed. Would you emphasise with the villain?
2018-09-16 12:08 am
Sitting next to the ocean - watching it and listening to its rhythm.
Music can soothe, cleanse, uplift...
I find that the ocean does that, and more.
That's why our second home is beachfront.
And I find that we are spending more and more of our time there.
2018-09-16 12:24 am
Music is in a class all by itself. There are of course other things that instill those aspects of emotion and spirituality in us, but they don't compare.
2018-09-16 12:14 am
Art. Go to a famous art gallery and look at the beautiful paintings and sculptures from long ago when there was true art.
2018-09-16 12:02 am

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