Unlocked samsung galaxy S8 bought in Usa do not receive phone calls in Australia!!!?

2018-09-12 8:31 am
I bought the phone on the States, the phone is unlocked. But, here in Australia for making or receiving phone calls ask me about internet connection.
And also with internet is not working.
I called Best Buy in the states and they told me that the sim card company could lock the phone.
I called them a d they told me the cannot do it
What I should do?

回答 (1)

2018-09-12 9:40 am
Simply having an unlocked phone doesn't guarantee that it will work with other carriers. It simply means that it isn't locked to a specific carrier.

You have to be more specific. What exactly do you mean by "ask me about internet connection."? What is the exact error message?

For mobile data and/or MMS/SMS, you may need to get your carrier's APN settings and add it to the phone (Should be somewhere in Settings>Networks or something similar). Check your carrier's page for these settings.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 04:27:53
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