List The Ethical Issues/terms From This Unit That Are Involved In This Situation.?

2018-09-12 8:30 am
Scenario: You Are Working In A Clinic As A Certified Medical Assistant In A Busy Medical Office. You Are Working With A Patient You Have Known For 10 Years. She Is A ?regular? At The Clinic. She Asks You To Help Her Understand What Her Latest Test Results Mean. You Know That Medical Assistants Are Allowed To Relay Lab Results, But Not Interpret Them. The Physician Has Not Yet Met With This Patient And Is Extremely Busy And Backed-up. The Patient Tells You That She Has To Leave And Will Make An Appointment To Meet With The Physician In The Future. When You Ask Your Supervisor What To Do, She Tells You To Go Ahead And Help The Patient If You Know How. You Have Worked At This Clinic For Many Years And Have Become Quite Knowledgeable On The Various Tests Most Frequently Administrated At The Clinic. You Take A Look At Her Test Results And Decide That You Can Adequately Interpret Them For The Patient. You Know She Is Pressed For Time And Don?t Want Her To Leave For The Day Without An Understanding Of What Is Going On Regarding Her Illness. As The Medical Assistant In This Scenario, Did You Act Unethically? Why Or Why Not?

回答 (4)

2018-09-25 5:50 am
2018-09-26 1:50 am
Where i live if a doctor has trained me how to read them and it’s part of my job i can tell them. I can read them but i am not allowed to tell anyone the rules i go by is no news is good news. I work in a hospital though not a practice
2018-09-25 9:58 am
Why are you capitalizing every word? It took me 5 times as long to read this crap.

It’s unethical to offer any medical advice or interpretation of results as an MA. I don’t care who told you it was ok. It might be ok ‘customer service’ to say something like “I didn’t see anything weird, but the doctor will call you later.” It wouldn’t be ok to say, “Yeah, I saw your glucose was sky high and your WBC was super low, so...” If something was off and the pt presses you, the most diplomatic and ethical way to handle it is to state, “I know it’s really frustrating and I’m sorry we can’t get you the results right now. Doctor will call you tonight.”
2018-09-12 8:36 am
You do whatever you want, but if you break the rules, you will most likely get fired.

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