I hate my mom?

2018-09-12 8:24 am
Now you probably gonna be like omg she's your mom, my mom is actually a psycho.

1. She's verbally and physically abusive to me and my dad. She will say the most hurtful things to my dad or me, and yes she will hit us. For example, once she was "late for work" and she started yelling at my dad and calling him a ***** and stuff. My older sister told her to calm down, and she slapped my dad and then my sister started shouting at her. And my mom got all quiet and then she started yelling. She's got hurt by the truth, that she's a big bully and a *****. She blames everyone for her mistakes, and she's been doing this forever. She's called my dad ugly, stupid, useless, ***** and many more. She's one of the reasons why my eating disorder was caused, she fat shames my sister when clearly my sister has a lot of muscle. She's hit me multiple times when I was younger and sometimes now, for the stupidest things, for example, if I shaved my legs for the second time, apparently that's bad she will hit me.

There's so much more, I don't love my mom, I hate her.

And yes everyone has talked to her, tried to get her into therapy etc.

So what should I do?

回答 (4)

2018-09-12 8:29 am
Tell her “that hurts.”
2018-09-12 9:17 am
if shes hitting you call cps, they can put you sonnewhere else
2018-09-12 9:01 am
you should talk more... she's ur mother after all
2018-09-12 9:00 am
First thing you need to do if you really want to change anything is calm down. It's difficult, but you have to disassociate from the whole situation JUST ENOUGH so that it doesn't hurt so much you can't even think about it. I know you know what I mean.
Now, you are obviously somewhat young, and I know it's cliche to say you're young, and it makes you feel like you're being talked down to, but that's a big part of what you're going through. You haven't experienced things like shitty roommates, abusive significant others, narcissistic friends, etc. All you have is your school mates, and family. That is not, however, a bad thing all together. Having a narcissistic mother will help you throughout your life. I bet you can already tell the difference when your mother is actually feeling kind of nice and when it's an act to get what she wants. Being able to read that kind of thing from people, seeing that kind of truth in them; she's trying to steal the light from you, but she's actually giving you a gift.
Once you get to a good understanding of all of that and what it means, you will be able to rationally plan how to get away from (and if it gets to it eventually, cut ties with) her. She obviously is having a hard time with some kind of issue, no matter what it is from personal demons to a secret shopping addiction. That doesn't justify what she's doing to any of you, though, and not a single one of you HAVE TO PUT UP WITH IT. Talk to your dad, express exactly how you feel. Do it somewhere she won't hear, like on the ride to school or something. He'll listen, and from there you, your sister, and him can work out a good plan, as a team. When dealing with someone who is inherently an abusive user, you need a strong support system. Don't let her tear you all apart; that's exactly the game she's playing and she only wins if you all let her.

Keep your chin up, and don't let her snuff out your light. Ever.
參考: Experience.

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