Does Donald Trump read poetry?

2018-09-12 7:33 am

回答 (14)

2018-09-12 7:41 am
only in comic format with lots of pictures
2018-09-12 7:46 am
LOL, I would be surprised if the idiot could even read.
2018-09-12 7:55 am
Only dirty poorly written ones on mens room stall walls.
2018-09-12 7:48 am
He worships at the shrine of money. He knows that he can depend upon his voters: No matter how much harm he causes Americans! His actions are designed to benefit only him. I believe that Americans that can afford to leave the US should get out; while they still can!
2018-09-12 8:10 am
No, that is doubtful, he isn't a reader.
2018-09-12 7:43 am

He is rumored to be the author of..

"Here I sit, broken hearted,
Tried to........"
2018-09-12 7:58 am
His Twitter account will one day be classed alongside the works of Shakespeare.
2018-09-12 8:18 am
Would Donald Trump ever read poetry?
If Donald Trump had not been paralysed with fear, he would have been more understandable "poetry hypothetical" !
2018-09-12 7:43 am
Only Nietzsche's poems.

This is no book: what books do matter!
What do coffins and shrouds matter!
This is a will, this is a promise,
this is a load bridge to break,
this is an ocean wind, an anchor-weighing,
A surging wheel, a steering course,
The cannons roar with white gunsmoke
The sea laughs, the monster -

And Death of a Ball Turret Gunner

From my mother's sleep I fell into the State,
And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze.
Six miles from earth, loosed from its dream of life,
I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters.
When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose.
2018-09-12 7:55 am
I'm guessing no... he seems cut from that same brand of cloth so prevalent among big city business moguls that sees such things as unnecessary, if not an outright waste of time...

I remember when I worked in NYC among counterparts who all had business or econ degrees from places like Columbia, Cornell and Penn... it was all about money to them... when I told them I graduated with an English degree their reactions often ranged from condescending admiration for being able to get "a real job" with it to outright bewilderment...

Of course, this is the environment that produced Trump and the one that used to admire him greatly until the TV told them otherwise...

Funny if you think about it.... Trump gets a lot of hate from people for saying mean things and representing a class of people who look down on others....and a lot of this hate (look around at the responses here) seems to come from people who say mean things and enjoy looking down on others...

But then again, I guess they don't really teach "irony" in those job-training majors...... do they?

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