Is their any meaning of weight of the earth?

2018-09-10 10:12 pm

回答 (31)

2018-09-10 10:58 pm
"Is THERE," not "THEIR," you idiot.

Yes, there is. The earth is in free-fall around the sun, so its weight is zero, which is the weight of any object in free-fall.
2018-09-13 8:15 pm
Is "their" WHAT any meaning of weight of the earth?
2018-09-16 2:36 pm
Yes. Its a metaphor for the combined weight of all things you know.
2018-09-22 4:10 pm
In your posting, be careful not to confuse there with their.There indicates place and has a similar "ere--" spelling rule to here and where. Their indicates possession:-eg:-Their son weights 20 lbs.
Is there any meaning of weight of the earth ?Add me contacting ?!
2018-09-15 7:37 am
Discussion of the concepts of heaviness (weight) and lightness (levity) date back to the ancient Greek philosophers. These were typically viewed as inherent properties of objects. Plato described weight as the natural tendency of objects to seek their kin. To Aristotle, weight and levity represented the tendency to restore the natural order of the basic elements: air, earth, fire and water. He ascribed absolute weight to earth and absolute levity to fire.
2018-10-02 3:45 am
Masses have different weight in different gravity fields and magnetic fields
2018-09-22 7:20 pm
Sure - it's a big ball and it weighs something - not a topic to lose sleep over, but it's there so - yes it has meaning to anyone who might be curious. In a physics class you might talk about mass v weight and how weight is only due to gravity etc., and that's fine too -
2018-09-15 7:08 pm
Is there?
2018-09-11 4:35 pm
I would think of the Earth's weight relative to the sun. It is something that has meaning because different weights would have 3 different possibilities. 1. Fall into the sun 2. fall away from the sun (we would probably soon freeze) 3 spin around the sun at our current distance
2018-09-10 11:28 pm
If a person would be able to go to the center of the Earth (without being atomized) then wouldn't he be weightless?

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