could sleeping on my back with dumbbell on my stomach help me lose weight in my sleep?

2018-09-10 3:32 pm

回答 (22)

2018-09-10 4:08 pm
Another stupid idea that will end up getting you put in a hospital.
2018-09-12 4:27 am
No. Why would it? It would do nothing to cause your body to burn more calories, but it might increase chances of you being injured if the dumbbell falls off your belly and you roll over on it.
2018-09-10 8:35 pm
no it won't
2018-09-10 9:13 pm
2018-09-24 11:58 pm
i dont think it will, the best way is to fidget around in your sleep
2018-09-23 11:09 pm
What a half witted idea. Where the blazes did you hear of such an insane idea ? Obviously from some person grossly overweight but who didn't want to stop eating like a pig. I think that you too may have exactly the same inclination.
Put the 'dumbbel in the bin, try to get a few more brain, eat properly, and you will cease to devolop an **** like a horse.
2018-09-23 8:18 pm
You need to sleep with it on your head
2018-09-15 11:20 am
Thomas A. Edison in the 1920s said, " There is a better way to do it, find it." There is an easier way to hold an object on your stomach than a dumbbell. Example, I had a cancer removed from my stomach, and my 9 stiches have almost disappeared. A month after the operation two small "air sacks"(actually called hernias) appeared on my stomach. The hernias do not hurt or do not grow, but they are still there after 2 years. The surgeon who operated on me said I could use an elastic wrap wrapped around my stomach near my waist. The elastic band measures 3.5 feet in length and 9 inches in width with Velcro. I wear the band several hours a day, and after a month, my hernias have reduced, so I no longer sleep with the band. There are so many companies that make similar bands that you may not know how to choose. Remember, the band I have is recommend by Oncology surgeons. Go to, and then go to Amazon and search for a cheaper band.

2018-09-12 9:53 am
2018-09-11 6:50 am

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