Cant climb in Leauge?

2018-09-10 3:32 am
Ive been stuck in bronze 3 for the past couple of months. I always have a huge win streak then losing streak and idk why. Im usually always carrying my team but I can never get objectives bc they wont help me. Im frustrated because I want to improve and get to a higher rank but just cant. Anybody got helpful tips for climbing or anything at all? 62W-62L

回答 (3)

2018-09-11 4:56 pm
league of what? ...nations? legends? of their own?

climbing you say well there was chamonix challenge ways ways was err mountain climbing sim..
2018-09-10 8:50 am
Play with people you know because solo queue is pretty much always going to be a mixed bag.
2018-09-10 5:21 am
yeah get a party of good people

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