I've been feeling sick for the past two days, what could this be?

2018-09-09 6:35 pm
About two days ago, I had coffee throughout the day. Later on in the evening, I started feeling my heart beating faster than normal (kind of like palpitations). Yesterday, I felt very fatigue and got really hungry after work and I still had palpitations. Today, I felt pretty tired and I just feel so strange, I can't pinpoint it. I thought maybe it was intestinal but I didn't have much urine today either so I thought maybe I was dehydrated.

I feel like I have a really high body temperature too but no fever. Also, I feel slightly sick to my stomach. I am a healthy 25-year-old female, 5'5" and weigh about 110 lbs. I also have a crush on someone right now too, so I don't know if it's physical or emotional. What could it be?

回答 (2)

2018-09-09 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simple. You had too much caffeine the first day, slept dreadfully so felt rotten the next day and you appear to be a hypochondriac.

Caffeine is also a diuretic so an excess of it will make you feel dehydrated and that causes other symptoms such as you describe.
2018-09-09 6:56 pm
You're dehydrated and your sugar is low. Drink water and eat a little more. Also caffeine affects the hearts of relatively young women more than others so limit your coffee intake.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 04:37:53
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