Is my writing good enough to be published? How old would you think I am based on my writing?

2018-09-08 7:03 am
I've been working on this book series since the very young age of eight, after imagining these characters as I pretended to be them when playing. I've been writing this world since then, and I am now older. I don't plan to send my work off to a publisher yet, as I know it is FAR from being polished. I am worried though, that the subject won't be appealing enough, as the characters are all birds which don't seem to be too popular. I love my story, I love my characters but I want others to love them too. Do you think this writing is semi decent? How old would you guess I am based off my writing?

回答 (7)

2018-09-08 11:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your writing is thoughtful and descriptive, but the adjectives definitely get in the way. When I write, I often ask myself, "Is there a way I can say this without using an adjective?" The thing about adjectives is that you'd think they help readers visualize things better, but that's often not the case. Sometimes they're just distracting.

Take the words, "beautiful", "bright," "clear". Did you get a good picture of what I'm describing? Now consider the sentences: The wine glass lit up in the window. The bottom was sculpted so that the sunlight glinted across the diamond texture.

Now this is a bit flowery, but it gives a better image than say, "The wine glass was beautiful, clear, and bright in the sunlight." You may feel the need to emphasize that something is beautiful, bright, etc., but it's often not necessary. In fact, extra adjectives often cloud the picture. You want to get in the habit of cutting out unnecessary words. Consider if I had said: "The bright, beautiful wine glass sat lit up in the window. The bottom was sculpted so that the sunlight glinted across the clear diamond texture." The extra words are just really bogging the imagery down. They're not truly adding anything new to the description because the reader can already "see" those things without these words.

Anyway, the work you posted isn't really up to publishing standards yet. You need some work with toning down the adjectives, and I think you may want to play around with how you introduce the story. It's a very calm sort of introduction with some interesting background information, but ultimately that's probably not going to hook people into the story. Writers often want to immediately immerse their readers into the worlds and stories they've built, but that can kind of make for dry reading because so much is just... explanations and exposition. Which you actually did a pretty good job steering away from, but you could still work on this aspect some.

It definitely shows that you're not a novice writer. In general your dialogue, pacing, narration, etc. are decent. You did a nice job setting the tone of the scene and you have some strong characterization. I would recommend letting this draft sit for a few weeks to a few months (the longer, the better) so you can get a better feel of it yourself. Don't worry if it's not publishable yet.

I don't want to give you an age guess because that's really not how writing skills work. I student taught some sixth graders who wrote more eloquently than my classmates from my senior year of college. I *will* tell you that I think you've been writing for 4-8 years.
2018-09-08 10:54 am
No, it needs a lot of work. It especially needs editing by someone who knows what they're doing. You really ought to find someone to be an adviser who is well acquainted with proper prose such as an English composition teacher.

For example, let's critique the first line, which goes "Caelus and Ereban are born into Avia, which is currently completely uninhabited."

1) The statement that "Caelus and Ereban are born into Avia" is clumsy. It would be more correct to say they "were born in Avia" or "born into a family of _____ living in Avia.

2) If they were born in Avia, then it can't be uninhabited, can it? Did you mean that it is uninhabited by humans, or not inhabited by any other creatures at all? Flesh it out so that it is clear and unambiguous.

3) The phrase "completely uninhabited" is redundant. Places are either inhabited or they aren't. There are no degrees of being uninhabited, so the word "completely" is unnecessary.

That's just the first line consisting of only 12 words, so it's quite a bit more than "unpolished", sorry to say. The rest is full of similar problems and I'm guessing that you're probably age 12-14 and haven't ever taken an English composition class before. Until you do, or until you find a tutor, I highly recommend that you start consulting a style manual, such as the Chicago Manual of Style because it would help immensely. Your library undoubtedly has a copy, and it can also be consulted online.

Good luck and don't give up.
2018-09-08 7:10 am
Very nice....

But not really interesting. It's highly derivative, and you need a bit of life experience before you start anthropomorphizing. The basic structure is one that could appeal to eight-year olds, but it's far too wordy for that age and educational level.
2018-09-08 9:23 am
I would say Too Many Adjectives for a start - and I was distracted by wondering how anything with a beak could grin, and why the flock is made up of different birds which just does not happen in nature.
However, there is no reason why you may not eventually do for birds what Redwall did for ferrets.Not yet though.
2018-09-08 10:37 am
Honestly, not yet. It needs some work and the slow way is the fast way. There is no age limit or preferred age but you're best to put it off for as long as needed in order for you to learn your craft thoroughly and that includes knowing the business inside out.

This is obviously something that would appeal to children but if far too complex for them. Telling me you don't understand your target audience.

I would guess you were around 14-16 - this is GOOD writing if you're around that age if you're older not so much.

All the best
2018-09-13 12:07 pm
What's your age got to do with your writing? Good enough to whom?
2018-09-08 9:41 am
This is very imaginative and reminds me of Watership Down, a very successful novel in the early 70's. One thing I didn't like is the names you give the birds. I'm a stickler for names, and calling a bird Eddy just doesn't cut it. I'm sure you can make up names better than that.
This would fly better as children's literature, but that's just my opinion. You're onto something.

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