I got mad at my bf bc he didn't get hard when he was feeling me up, am I being unreasonable?

2018-09-05 7:58 pm
He was tired and I was h*rny. I was teasing him and having his hand touching and feeling up my t*ts. But then when I tried touching him, he was completely soft. He told me he was just tired, that's why he couldn't get hard and that I am attractive enough for him. I got mad at him bc I feel unwanted, coz I have pretty small boobs.

is it unreasonable for me to get mad? Does this mean he doesn't like my body?

回答 (44)

2018-09-05 8:03 pm
No, it means you are immature, irrational, psychotic, selfish and a complete turn off
2018-09-06 5:21 pm
GIRLLLLLLL CHILL OUT! Dude tired, the most you could do is make him some food and treat him like a king and watch Netflix and kiss him goodnight sit you horn *** down somewhere LOL!!! how would you feel if your boyfriend was super mad that you was on your period and he wanted to do it? STOP WITH THE DRAMATICS
2018-09-05 8:23 pm
I'll be honest, that's rude and disrespectful of you.

You're taking it personally, when it's actually about him. Either get a boob job, or accept that your boobs are small. He probably doesn't care.
2018-09-05 8:40 pm
You were being rash and unreasonable. This happens to almost every guy now and then, so next time, don't pout and focus on making a better effort to get him hard.

Your small boobs had nothing to do with it.
2018-09-05 8:09 pm
Yes, you're being unreasonable.

It happens when youre tired. My bf is all horny and stuff when he's even sitting like 10 metres away from me but when he's tired, sad, or stressed, he remains soft although he's still attracted to me. It's okay.
2018-09-07 3:13 pm
Your reaction was insensitive and immature. He has little control over his abilit to reach an election, and nay not be able to when he is tired,
Additionally, if you said NO, you would want him to accept that....treat him with the same dignity. Or, better still, move on so he can find someone who will value him
2018-09-06 11:31 pm
Yes you are, he told you he was tired but you still tried,if he was playing with your **** but not hard maybe you had an issue, course he’s attracted to you he picked you,he’s with you,he loves you I’m guessing,one occasion not wanting sex doesn’t mean your not attractive,grow up a little
2018-09-06 4:43 am
Be mature and you should have let him rest. I hope you are an adult and if so then please grow up.
2018-09-05 9:29 pm
He was tired. Cut him some slack already.
2018-09-05 9:38 pm
He was tired that's all it means. Don't take it personal, your body is fine.
2018-09-06 7:13 am
“If a guy wants sex from a girl when she’s tired, and he gets mad when she won’t, then he’s a rapist. But if a girl wants sex from a guy when he’s tired, and he won’t, then she’s a victim and he must not find her attractive.”

GOTTA love female logic
2018-09-06 6:58 am
Grow up! A guy is not instantly hard when YOU want him to be. He said he was tired. YOU were being unreasonable about it. So what if you were horny and he was not. Give him a break. Don't complain or you will be finding yourself single.

If you want it hard instantly - then get a dildo. Leave him alone. Geez.
2018-09-08 9:32 am
You should be mad. I'm 54 and it doesn't matter if I'm tired or not, if I'm touching my wife (same age) I get a stiffy. It's automatic. Maybe I'm blessed, maybe it's a curse. All I know is all those freaking Cilasis and Viagra commercials make me thankful my hydraulics work every day.
2018-09-06 9:44 pm
Do that again and he'll leave you. If you do that again, the next time he thinks about sex with you, he'll remember what a nasty, drunken bi ch you are. And he won't want to bother with having sex with you.
2018-09-05 11:52 pm
NO. It means he was too tired really or else it isn't thrilling enough anymore to just touch your **** and he needs more stimulus
2018-09-05 10:39 pm
hes tired
2018-09-16 6:11 am
You are being kind of unreasonable. It was bc he was tired. If he didnt find you attractive you would know.
2018-09-06 7:53 am
Yes if he works long hrs leave him alone
2018-09-05 9:49 pm
Yes, and immature and selfish for the hot fudge sauce and cherry on top. Congrats.
2018-09-09 9:59 pm
Sure- it's your fault for having small t1ts.

Give him a break- he said he was tired- that's why he didn't get hard. You're way over-thinking this.
2018-09-09 9:53 am
Honestly if he told you he was tired why did you get mad about in the first place. That was really immature and childish. Let me give you some advice let that man rest up and cater too him. Ask him what he needs like food, bring his favorite game, message him, do something for him instead of for yourself for a change. When he well rested he will be ready. You run him away quickly into the arms of another woman if you keep up with that nasty attitude.
2018-09-09 4:51 am
The thing is everyone is different .and us girls we NEED to feel attractive to feel sexy , and one thing that DOES NOT MAKE US FEEL ATTRACTIVE is a softie. Now you need a guy with more testosterone .....and he needs a girl that doesn't need sex as much as you and is also more mature secure and understanding. Because the way you reacted will make him even less likely to get a stiffy for you . So you both need to find other people you were not made for each other.
2018-09-06 2:19 pm
i get the same way, stress and tiredness play a huge factor.
2018-09-06 1:00 pm
I’m sexually attracted to all boobs, especially small boobs. I think most guys may be the same. However, if I’m not in the mood, a horny girl will not get my motor running no matter what she does. In order to get massively horny, I have to think that she’s not going to give me anything at all. Knowing that I can have everything without trying is a wood killer. It’s just how we’re built.
2018-09-09 2:05 am
Women,especially the younger teens,seem to think that a guy's mind is on sex 24-7.Not the case.IF the guy worked all day,isn't feeling well,or just neds a couple hours to "wind down" doesn't mean squat about how attractive he thinks you are.How "rarin' to go" are you when he's feeling frisky and you're on day three of your rag?
2018-09-06 11:06 pm
That was the wrong thing to do, do it again and he’ll definitly leave your ***
2018-09-23 7:40 am
I will assume he's also young since you obviously are. In answer to your question, yes you are unreasonable. Sometimes we're just not in the mood. However, assuming he is still young and can mostly perform on command, I can also make several observations that may be the reason he did not respond in the way you desired. Since he was feeling you up, he wanted to do the deed but couldn't. Therefore, either 1) he's secretly gay; 2) he just finished having sex with his other girlfriend; 3) he just finished have sex with you multiple times and you should have been satisfied;or 4) he's just not that into you. Good luck.
2018-09-19 7:04 am
If a guy's that tired he's not gonna be in the mood to do anything sexual and it's not your fault. It's not that he finds you unattractive or anything, he's simply tired. You're being pretty unreasonable
2018-09-18 7:11 pm
You were a.bit unreasonable, put yourself in his shoes, he can’t help if he wasn’t in the mood. If you normally have a healthy sex life then he loves you.
2018-09-17 1:38 am
im an eleven year old. And i probably shouldnt have raed that question, but i do happen to be an expert on breaking gys hearts, and friendzoning them. even though i am a bit youn. But, yes it was immature of you and irresponsible. He probably just wanted to sleep. Maybe try again in the morning or that crap
2018-09-13 12:20 am
Go find a stranger at a bar at see if he gets hard touching your little t11ties. If he does, then your boyfriend is probably gay.
2018-09-12 10:09 pm
Both are suffering from complex !
2018-09-11 6:20 am
He might be going through something. Really is tired. Or needs ginko biloba.
2018-09-10 11:56 pm
i agree with most of these answers, just because you have small boobs doesnt mean a thing, some men at a certain age my get e-d, trying it i nthe morning before work or school after a nights rest
2018-09-10 12:25 am
If it was me, I'd be all over you. You think maybe he's getting it from someone else? Ask him why he didn't get hard.
2018-09-09 5:14 am
You are being very unreasonable. Do you have to sometimes put yourself in a man shoes.
Some men go through those issues as they get older in that area.

Some men are blessed and never have to ever go through that.
2018-09-08 10:04 pm
Young lady, Sorry to inform you of the following fact, details of which you are obviously unaware, but it appears that you are a complete idiot. You are obviously under the impression that is a chap is in the company of an attractive female, or touches her physically, then he is instantly afflicted with a huge erection which would clause him to become dangerously rampant, and out of control.
Don't be so bloody silly.
You must surely have seen a herd of cows in a field, and a bull quite contentedly in their presence. The bull is well aware of what he is there for, but is not charging about screwing everything in sight.
Undoubtedly he will screw everything in sight, EVENTUALLY, but is is not going berserk like you expect your boyfriend to do.
Suggest that you apologise sincerely to your boyfriend for expecting him to behave like a stallion at stud.
Next time, instead of flying off the handle at some rediculous event like this, try to remember the following advice, "Please ensure the brain is connected before operating the mouth".
2018-09-07 7:15 pm
Get a grip women. He ain’t a sexual toy, him being tired doesn’t mean he doesn’t want you it’s just that he’s, well you know, TIRED!
2018-09-07 6:58 pm
yes you are, no man can perform 24/7.
2018-09-07 11:56 am
No...it means you need to grow up and figure out way he doesn't get excited. It's probably because you are so immature
2018-09-06 5:49 pm
he was tired.
2018-09-09 1:55 pm
Are you always wet when touching him?
2018-09-07 1:14 pm
No you are not , maybe you are not attractive enough
2018-09-06 2:22 pm
Perhaps, you're really just that ugly.

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