Someone cashed my check illegally. What do I do?

2018-09-05 6:37 am
I have a check coming in the mail for stock. It s like $1500 or so. It s been almost a month and I ve yet to get it. I call the company and it says it was delivered 2 weeks ago, and it s already been cashed!! My check was delivered to the wrong address, and the people at the wrong address signed MY NAME to a check that ISN T THEIRS. They ve basically stolen my money. This has happened mutliple times. My mom sent me a gift card for my birthday and I never got it, turns out the people at the wrong address opened the letter, took my gift card out, and taped the envelope and sent it to the office. They get our mail ALL THE TIME and they ALWAYS open it before they send it to the office. One time they stole my food! This is getting ridiculous. What do I do about this??

回答 (13)

2018-09-05 6:53 am
Also go to the post office and speak to a supervisor about the problem with your mail going to the wrong place.
2018-09-05 6:42 am
Go to the bank that cashed it. Ask for a copy of the check and then show them Your identification, along with Your signature. THEY should figure it out.
2018-09-05 7:43 am
Gosh. If they're taking even your food, you must know who they are. I guess you can report them to the police and/or sue them for damages.

You also should probably give your correct address to your mom.
2018-09-05 7:01 am
Call the police and - if you are in the USA - the Postal Inspectors.
2018-09-05 6:42 am
You should report the theft and the forgery of the $1500 to the police.
2018-09-05 4:02 pm
File a complaint with the Main Post Office in your area. And file a report with the police about what was stolen and who stole it.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2018-09-05 6:39 am
Get them to deposit straight into you account next time.
2018-09-05 6:45 am
Opening someones mail is a Federal crime. Signing a check that isn't yours is also fraud. You need the cops involved.
2018-09-06 7:11 am
It is the responsibility of the sender of the check that it ends up in your hands. If someone else cashed it that is THEIR problem (not yours) to work with their bank to resolve. Tell them to send you another check or you will be taking legal action against them.
2018-09-06 6:22 am
Notify the bank that issued the check of the forgery and ask them to replace it, report the stolen check and forgery to the police, and file a report at the post office for mail theft. Eventually, you should get your money.
2018-09-05 8:39 pm
Call the police. Make a report of theft. Speak to the local Postmaster about ongoing theft.
2018-09-05 10:29 am
What is ridiculous is expecting us to believe the Post Office ROUTINELY delivers your mail to the same wrong address and you have done NOTHING to address THAT issue.
2018-09-05 8:37 am
Whoever forged your name committed a high crime...a felony. You need to go to the police and report it. But before you do, get together all the solid evidence you can get to prove your allegation. Otherwise it's just your word against theirs.

Start by getting a photocopy of the cancelled check from the company that issued the check. Both sides of it. Talk to payroll about the issue.

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