Does this mean it was a good paper?

2018-09-04 3:16 am
I passed my thesis defense but my program director wants me to add a prof's articles in it as well. Why is this? Does this mean they think people will actually want to read my thesis? I've looked into those articles and they don't really fit with my topic.

回答 (2)

2018-09-04 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sometimes, that's just for maintaining good relationships. Maybe the professor read your thesis and pointed out that you hadn't cited him. Just put the references in.
2018-09-04 3:33 am
(2)To read the thesis;
(3)Prof.'s article to be added=treat it as an addendum and reference; that thing ommitted that is to be added ;whether necessary or not. from program director's needs.and wishes; to be cited and relationship declared.

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