should i delete my exes nudes if i have no proof he deleted mine?

2018-09-03 4:36 pm
should i keep them as a safety net or should i cleanse my system?

this is an older ex, not the boyfriend from the most recent post. Im not a whore i swear, ive only ever had two relationships and im in one of them now.

回答 (2)

2018-09-03 8:53 pm
Just delete them already and be done with it. you will feel much better. And its another way of saying your completely done with him.
2018-09-03 4:45 pm
So .. the partner who you had "trust" issues with is now your ex.
I'd delete them and get him out of your life altogether.
If he still has some of you, and uses them, then that will just show him up to be the untrustworthy person that he is.
If you respond with nude pics of him (tit for tat) then you'll just be "as bad as each other" in everyone else's eyes !


So this is the guy who you lost your virginity to
and were having the long distance relationship with ?

As I said .. delete any evidence of him and move on.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:10:44
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