Should I sleep with my friend?

2018-09-02 1:19 pm
I'm a straight guy and I have a female friend who I am very close to. Lately we've come to realise that there's a huge amount of sexual tension in our relationship and it's getting in the way. We don't want to date each other but at this point it's very difficult to be in one room together without flirting and almost making out. We talked it out and she suggested we have one whole weekend of no holds barred everything is on the table exploratory sex just to get it out of our systems and put it behind us. On the one hand, I love this idea because she's a big, voluptuous woman with an ample chest and I've only had sex with skinny girls before so I'd love to see how it works with a partner with some extra padding on her body. On the other hand, I'm afraid if we give in and nail each other, either we won't be able to stop after the weekend or it'll make it too awkward for us to be friends, which would be awful because I really do love her as a person. So should I go through with it or not?

回答 (11)

2018-09-02 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If the two of you are up for it, you should bang her and if the two of you want to keep on banging, then you should - but let's face it, if you can get skinny girls, you will go back to that.
2018-09-02 1:28 pm
So- you love her as a person but don't see her as girlfriend because???? She has some "extra padding"? What are you looking for besides someone you love as a person and sexual stimulation? Someone skinny who reinforces your preconceived notions of what you should be looking for?
Please don't use her for your sexual pleasure. She thinks you'll come to love her. You're clearly not mature enough for that.
2018-09-02 4:15 pm
All I can contribute here is this. Big voluptous breasts are awesome. Make sure you slide it between her boobs til you come.
2018-09-02 1:20 pm
Do her.
2018-09-06 2:25 am
friends sleeping together is no uncommon
2018-09-03 1:15 am
Friends with benefits never works, but if you both want to then....
2018-09-02 4:27 pm
2018-09-02 3:53 pm
If she claims to be a feminist then no. Don't do it. Women like that confuse regret with rape and it's dangerous for men to have sex with them, as they will go to the police and claim rape.
2018-09-02 2:40 pm
She is naive to think that, after a week of mind-blowingly lovely deliciuos sex, it’s ever going to go back to being friends.

And you are naive to think that it’s going to remain a friendship.

You are male and female. Make love to her for gossake.
2018-09-02 1:44 pm
Go for it,sexual tension,frustration is not a good feeling if left unresolved...source,my perssonel 30 year ongoing experience.
2018-09-02 1:33 pm
No you shouldnt.

Why? Foo, you wouldnt know what to do with that!
參考: 8868 Send her to Sidewinder, Colorado where I am. I'll need pictures.

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