What does "first came" mean in this sentence ?

2018-09-02 12:51 pm
before war pounced on the United States on December 7, 1941, it crept up, stage by stage, over many years.First came the world economic crisis, beginning with the American stock market crash in 1929.

回答 (7)

2018-09-02 12:52 pm
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It means it came first. The world economic crisis came first, before the war.
2018-09-02 3:51 pm
It was the first thing to happen and then one thing led to another and the nuclear bombs landed on Japan.
2018-09-02 12:58 pm
Read it like it's at the end of the sentence--the economic crisis came first. It means that.
2018-09-02 3:00 pm
that is what happened first but it was covert. Most people were not aware how bad it was getting.
2018-09-03 8:26 am
It (economic crisis)came first=First came.
2018-09-02 1:02 pm
It happened first.
2018-09-02 1:01 pm
"First came" immediately implies a series of whatever it is that comes next, it's the first on the list of that which is creeping up.

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