Has Y! A. become semi-profitable for Verizon?

2018-09-02 7:58 am
My old categories index has returned in tact. It had vanished. Was missing for a couple years. Now, here it is, in all of its fine detail. Thanks to all concerned!!

回答 (4)

2018-09-02 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mine too! Good to have it back.

But I doubt they're making money, even though there are definitely ads running. Traffic is down, bugs abound, I'm surprised so many of us are still here.
2018-09-02 8:19 am
Actually, there ARE ads on Yahoo Answers.
2018-09-02 8:56 am
sounds like it
2018-09-02 8:03 am
intact is one word. No one advertises on YA so no income.

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