WIll americans repay China their 20 trillion or should Americans just kill the Chinese suckers off?

2018-09-01 3:35 am
I for one think americans are too fat n lazy to work to repay anything, theyve tlooted all nations on the planet so there is nothing they could loot to find the means to repay, and at this point without their asian/mexican/arab military they probably wont kill any asians either xD So C. Theyll probably just be slaughtered by the races they stole children from to fill their military ranks with liek all failed empires

回答 (5)

2018-09-01 3:36 am
Could you tell your mom to stop using the Internet as a baby sitter? 'kay thanks.
2018-09-01 11:10 am
Lame troll ranting really doesn't go down well with people.
2018-09-01 3:46 am
You obviously do not know how government debt works.
2018-09-01 8:28 am
Not all of the Federal debt is owed to China.
2018-09-01 4:12 am
We wouldn't even have to kill them. Just refuse to pay. Of course, good luck on borrowing any more money from anyone.
2018-09-01 6:50 am
You have all the knowledge and financial expertise of a Trump voter.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:14:20
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